Page 8 of After Midnight

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Placing the box aside, Gillian walked up next to Brooke and rested a hand on her shoulder. “Maybe nothing’s worked because you haven’t found your true love. What if Nico’s ‘the one?’”

A flicker of hope blossomed in Brooke’s chest and then burned out like a candle flame. Could she dare to dream of something real and long-lasting with Nico? An ache welled inside her. How much more could her heart take before it shriveled up and grew as cold as ice? “Maybe I do need this.”Am I taking a chance at love or setting myself up for more heartache?



Nico couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this nervous. Drawing in a ragged breath, he walked up the torch-lit path that led to the sprawling Victorian mansion, hoping he didn’t overdo it with the aftershave. He still couldn’t believe Brooke had agreed to go out with him on a real date.

The lights from inside the manor glowed like a beacon in the night. Lifting the brass cauldron knocker, he banged it against the old wooden door. He tapped his foot to release some of the adrenaline coursing through his veins. None of the women he’d dated made his pulse throb or his mouth go bone-dry like Brooke did.

The door opened, and Brooke appeared in the doorway, her form silhouetted under the lights. His breath caught. She wore a fire-engine red dress that hugged her body and showed off her curves. “You look beautiful.” When he leaned in and kissed her cheek, her sweet scent filled his head, and a yearning stirred inside him. She smelled good enough to eat.

“Thanks. And you look very handsome tonight. Come in. I’ll just grab my purse.”

He stepped inside and drank her in. Blonde hair brushed past her shoulders in soft waves. His hands clenched at his sides with the urge to run his fingers though the silky strands and find out if they felt as soft as they looked.

“Where are we going?” she asked, turning back to face him, excitement sparking in her eyes.

“It’s a surprise.”

“Oh? I’m not big on surprises.” She held up her hand. “I’m sorry. I know that sounds weird.”

“No, not weird, but maybe cautious. Are you used to being in control of everything?” He’d love to find out why. The craziest thing was he wanted to know everything about her, good and bad.

“Not everything,” she corrected and gave him a sultry smile that made his heart pound.

Pulling a scarf out of his pocket, he held it up. “May I put this blindfold over your eyes?”

Brooke busted up laughing. Not the reaction he expected. The warm, feminine sound swept some of his nerves away.“Whoa, five minutes into our date and you’re already pulling out a blindfold? You didn’t mention you had a kinky side.”Theair hummed with sexual energy.

“You didn’t ask.” He winked and caught the flare of surprise in her eyes. “I was going for spontaneous, but I’ll go with kinky.”

Her cheeks turned a lovely shade of pink. “I guess I’m being a hypocrite. I recommend spontaneous adventures to my clients all the time.”

“Maybe you need to start taking your own advice.” Nico brushed the back of his fingers over her face. “You’re blushing.”

“Nico…I…Please, proceed.”

“Trust me,”he whispered and came up behind her, and all couldn’t stop thinking about her naked in his arms. His erection pressed against the front panel of his dress slacks. He secured the blindfold over her eyes and then tied the end into a knot. “No peeking.”

“Wow, you’re really taking this seriously.”

“You’ll see why soon.” Nico wanted to let her in more than any woman he’d ever met, which was crazy. They barely knew each other. He reached for her hand and laced their fingers together, loving the way they fit. They walked out the door and stepped into the sultry night air. “Careful, watch your step.” He pulled her close as he led her to his car.

“No hints?” she asked from beside him.

“Patience.” He opened the passenger door and helped her inside. He admired her willingness to go along, even though she’d been pushed out of her comfort zone. After he got into the driver’s side, he started the car and cranked the AC. The July heat permeated through the windshield and made the seats hot.

“I think I have a nickname for you.” Brooke fumbled around in the dark and pulled her seat belt across her shoulder.

Nico arched his brows. “Yeah? Let’s hear it.”

“TDM—tall, dark, and mysterious.”

“As far as nicknames go, that one’s not half bad. Now I’ll have to come up with one for you.” He shifted the car into gear and pulled into the flow of Saturday night traffic.

Her head whipped back against the seat rest. “Whoa, I can tell this is a fast car.”
