Page 2 of My Perfect Puck

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I try to smile, but I think I’m frozen solid.

“Shit. I’m in the wrong car, aren’t I? Oh, Mister, I’m so sorry. So, so sorry.”

I swallow hard as she reaches for the door. It cranks open and she goes to leave as the scent of her golden curls fills the car.Holy shit.I swear my fucking heart skips a beat. A mix of freshly cut flowers and vanilla makes my cock twitch, or perhaps it’s the fact that she’s so cute and compact in size. Unlike her brother. Her body is rocking some incredible curves and they’re in all the right places.

“You’re not in the wrong car.”

She sits on the edge of the seat and looks at me with those eyes. One leg hangs out of the vehicle, searching for the concourse, while the other rests on the step so the smoothness of her thigh catches my eye.

“Where’s Bailey?” She hesitates but falls back against the seat and closes the door.

“He had to go… out.” I grind through the words. A little line appears on her forehead but when I see her roll her eyes, I know she understands.

“Right. Well, thank you for picking me up. I hadthe worstflight.”

She shuffles on the seat and the skirt pulls up her legs even further. I know my cheeks are flushed; I can feel the heat radiating towards the windshield and it’s fogging the glass.

“That’s terrible.”

“Not as terrible as listening to a screaming baby for three hours...”

I chuckle. “Oh dear.”

She spins in the seat and faces me. “Oh, that’s not the worst part… No, not even close, Mister.”

I flick the indicator on and pull out into the traffic.

Damn, I can feel how gorgeous her eyes are without even looking at her. She’s pretty. Really fucking pretty. It’s an effortless beauty, though. Her creamy pale skin is practically glowing in the seat next to me, and the oversized sweater she’s wearing is falling off her shoulder. I can only glance quickly, pretending to listen as she reels off all the details of her painful flight, but I can’t see a bra strap which doesn’t help the tightening of things below my belt.

Fuck. My twitching cock might be a hazard on the drive home.

“… and so he just started to throw these cards across the aisle, telling me to ‘go fish’… Can you believe that?”

I shake my head. It’s all I can do because in my head I’m just wondering what she looks like beneath that sweater. I really need to get a grip though, not only because there’s a car blaring his horn behind me and I’m stopped at a green light, but because I’ve been with lots of women.

I’ve seen tits before. Hers can’t be anything special, right?

“Anyway, I should probably introduce myself because… Well, let’s face it. Bailey clearly wouldn’t have.” She folds her arms across her chest and wow. Her tits pop and I was wrong. Theyarespecial. “Am I right?”

I have to take a second to remember what she said. All I’m thinking about is the rounds of her breasts creeping into view in the V-shaped neck hole of that sweater.

“No, he didn’t.”

Another eye roll. “I’m Vanessa.”

“Lovely to meet you, Vanessa. I think I’ve heard Bailey talk about you before.”

She sinks back in the chair and glances at her nails. They’re bright pink, long and pointy on the ends. “All bad I suppose? I mean, I know I won’t ever compare to his Royal Highness.”

I sense the tone in her voice and press the accelerator down. My hands tighten around the wheel because why would anyone ever want to put her down?

“Not bad stuff, I promise. You live in California, right?”

She pushes her blond locks over her shoulder. “Yeah. Well… I guess so. I don’t really know what I’m doing at the moment.”

“Why’s that?”

She pulls a leg up and holds it close to her chest. The SUV is massive, but Vanessa is sitting in the seat beside me, all curled up in a tiny glowing ball. She looks as cute as anything I’ve ever seen before, and I’m starting to wonder if she’d fit in my pocket.
