Page 5 of My Perfect Puck

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A smile that I’ve quickly managed to swipe from his handsome features.

I stare at the ground, avoiding his eyes as the elevator rolls up. I want to say something – a simple thank you would be a good start. Of course, this would be a hell of a lot easier if he wasn’t so damn hot. He’s like a sculpted fucking statue, standing there with a t-shirt so tight around his arms that I swear I can see the veins pulsing. He even has the perfect amount of scruff on his chin. I wonder how rough it would feel between my legs.

Shit.I’m pretty sure my ovaries just did a flip.

“This way,” Aiden says, eyeballing me as he slaps my hand away from the handle of my suitcase. “Leave that, I’ve got it.”

I stand back, allowing him to lead the way out of the elevator and up a long, airy corridor with my suitcase at his side.

The walls are bright, a collection of potted plants evenly space against the wall. It’s fresh and cool inside the building and I’m trying to take everything in. But all my head seems to want to do is stare at the tight rear end in front of me.

“It’s lovely,” I say loudly, not removing my eyes from the mouth-watering rump moving towards a door at the end of the corridor. “How long have you lived here for?”

Aiden swipes a card down the slot by the door. “Bailey and I moved in six months ago.”

He looks at me and I swear my lip twitches. In fact, I know it does. Because Aiden just stares at me, his honey-brown eyes lingering on my lip for a second.

“Where is he anyway?” I ask.

Aiden pushes the door open and shrugs. “Your guess is as good as mine. All I got was a note asking for a favor and that he’ll be back later.”

“Nothing’s changed there then…”

Aiden steps inside and I’m quickly trotting behind him, desperate to hear that deep, decadent voice again.Keep talking, please.He sets my case against the wall and stretches those thick, muscular arms above his head. With a yawn, he twists his wrist and looks at his watch.

“It must be time for coffee. Three hours on a plane with a card-throwing toddler…” He looks me up and down, one brow lifting to match the curve at the corner of his mouth. I swear his eye twinkles when his gaze catches on my cleavage but he’s quick to look away. “If anyone has ever needed caffeine, it’s you.”

I laugh. “Um, I’m not sure how to take that.”

Aiden chuckles and I swear the deepness of his laugh hits directly between my legs. He disappears behind a wall decorated with a picture of the Vancouver Vikings hockey team. They’re neatly formed in a group, standing behind a large silver trophy.

“Twenty-twenty Play-off Champions.” Aiden’s loud voice calls out and I follow the smooth, tender voice. “Your brother was player of the series.”

I roll my eyes. “You think I haven’t heard that like a million times? I might live miles and miles away, but unfortunately, despite his thick head, he still managed to discover technology and tell me all about it.”

I drift through the apartment and follow the gentle chuckle that rumbles from the open-plan kitchen. The décor is incredible, white cabinets and countertops making the space feel as enormous as the man passing me a cup of coffee.

“Here,” he says and my heart stutters at the sight of his smile. He leans back against the counter and slurps his coffee. “Listen, I know we might have got off on the wrong foot, so how-”

I gulp through the mouthful of hot coffee and force it down. My throat scorches from swallowing too quickly.

“No. Please…” I splutter, holding my neck as if it will stop the burning in my throat. “I shouldn’t have snapped like that. It’s just… just…”

I glance down at myself. I’m standing here, dressed like I’ve just rolled out of bed. A baggy sweater and an old skirt that needs to be tossed in the trash. I don’t have any make-up on. Unless you count yesterday’s mascara clumped along my droopy, tired lashes, which clearly doesn’t count.

I feel like a walking disaster.

But somehow, he’s still standing there with a look in his eye that should frighten the hell out of me.

I breathe a heavy breath. “I just broke up with my boyfriend.”

“I know.”

Aiden sips his coffee and flashes me a look of such assurance. His dark thick lashes flick over the rim of his mug and my mouth drops in a gape.

“You do?”

He nods and smiles. Dammit, even his teeth are perfectly straight. “Well, it’s confirmed now. But… yes. I figured as much.”
