Page 104 of Rejected By a Wolf

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Sophia felt a pang in her heart. This pang wasn’t because she learned Casper had cared deeply about another woman throughout their entire friendship. No, it was because Casper had been suffering all these years, completely alone. “You should’ve told us.”

“I didn’t want anyone else getting involved. Circe is… she’s dangerous.”

“She sounds worse than Drusilla.”

“The two of them don’t even compare.”

Sophia didn’t want to imagine meeting Circe and was thankful this witch was currently elsewhere. Though how long she’d be gone, Sophia didn’t have a clue. “I’m sorry, Casper. I’m sorry for not understanding.”

“I didn’t expect you to understand. How could you when I refused to tell you anything?”

“I’m just… sorry.” She didn’t know what else to say.

“I’m sorry too. For what we did behind your back with the amulet. You deserved to know.”

Sophia shrugged, though Casper couldn’t see it. Suddenly, she wasn’t so upset about the amulet. How could she be when Antonio and Casper - two men who meant so much to her - needed her?

“That’s a conversation for another time. Right now, we have bigger things to worry about. Like saving Antonio’s soul before it’s too late and getting you out of this shitty situation.” Maybe after those two problems were solved she could continue crying over the amulet, her parents, and a life lived without reason. “Any ideas on where to start?” To say they were in a bit of a bind would be putting it lightly.

“Of course I know where to start. Remember, Iamhere willingly. Well, for the most part. Getting out of my cell is as easy as opening the door. As for yours, I know where the keys are.”

It looked like she wouldn’t be spending the rest of her life in this cell. “Alright, then let’s do this.”

“Not until you admit that I’m almost always right.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Drusilla promised she’d free you if you stayed here and sat tight. I’m not sure about you, but to me it sounds like you’re risking a lot to walk out of this cell and help someone youcareabout. Youdocare about other things, you’re just too damn stubborn to see it.”

“Shut it,” she commented, but her lips began curling. For a moment, she was thankful Casper couldn’t see her. He’d never let her live this down.

Because he was right, it seemed she did care about a great many things after all.

Chapter Sixty-Four

Antonio Payne

Antonio hadn’t been to Alaska in all his immortal years and he’d be damned if he ever came back.

Only five minutes after Cauladra and Conall split them all into the port town of Seward, Antonio already knew he hated Alaska. While Lance awed at the natural beauty that surrounded this town, a town nestled between snow capped mountains and calm waters, Antonio struggled to see two feet in front of him.

Unfortunately, Maya couldn’t pinpoint exactly where they were headed on a map, considering it was somewhere in the middle of Kenai Fjords National Park. Which meant they now had to rely on her memories of times she had hiked to their destination in the past.

Apparently, in the past she had hiked in the middle of summer. Now, they had to endure that hike in the middle of one of the worst storms Seward had seen.

The storm was so bad, Antonio couldn’t see much beyond the shoddy store they stood in front of while waiting for Maya, who was inside buying outerwear appropriate for this storm.

Impatient as anything, Antonio paced the length of the store, growing more aggravated by the second. When he looked over to Lance, who was so engrossed by his surroundings he seemed to be worlds away, he couldn’t stop himself from asking, “Whatin the gods’ names are you gawking at? You can’t see a thing out here!” The heavy snowfall made it nearly impossible to see anything other than the white wall of snow that surrounded them.

“Ah, that’s where you’re wrong. I can see everything.” He grinned, baring his teeth against the whirling snow.

Antonio shook his head, muttering, “And they sayI’mthe one who’s lost my mind.”

When a jingle sounded from the store’s door front, Antonio lurched forward, marching inland without so much as a glance to see why the door had opened.

Maya’s irritated groan was all he needed to hear to confirm it was Maya who had opened the door. “So he’s decided to leave without the only person who knows the way to Sophia. Why am I not surprised? You’ll never find her,wolf!”

“If you’re going to walk as slow as you shop, I’ll take my chances!” He growled, but slowed to a stop anyway. He couldn’t argue with the sorceress. She was right. Shewasthe only one who knew the way. Antonio needed to be patient even if it killed him. Only, he feared if he became too patient, it would kill Sophia. No one knew how much time she had left, or if she had any left at all.
