Page 112 of Rejected By a Wolf

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Antonio lowly reminded her, “You did tell them we’d all travel the world after this.”

“I did, didn’t I?”

His nod was slow, his smile charming. “Any ideas?”

“It doesn’t matter to me so long as we’re together.”

Two weeks ago, Sophia courageously stepped outside the safety net her daily routine provided for her. Since then, she loved more, experienced more, and achieved more than she ever believed possible.

If she could do so much in so little time, what else could she accomplish?

She called out to Conall, “I can’t be trusted to pick a destination. I don’t know the first thing about… well,anything.Why don’t you?”

When Conall eagerly clasped his hands together, Cauladra groaned beside him. “So you’re going to trusthim?”

Antonio raised his brows in amusement as he worked to contain his laughter. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

“Absolutely.” She couldn’t be any more sure of something.

What else could Sophia accomplish?

She was about to find out.
