Page 16 of Rejected By a Wolf

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She almost forgot about her encounter with the werewolf! Apparently, Casper didn’t. He told them about that?

She tried to hide the red heating her cheeks by walking faster, distancing herself from them a bit. Gods, she never suspected she’d kiss a werewolf. Her parents raised her with tales of those apparently horrifying creatures, who once a month lost all sense of control, their primal instincts taking over. Fey, being so in control of themselves, were absolutely terrified of them.

And yet Sophia knowingly kissed one. When in the throes of… elven brew, why not?

“I have to admit, I’m kind of proud of you. That was a bold move,” Conall said.

Sophia already knew it was a bold move. It wastoobold of a move. What was she thinking?

Oh right, she wasn’t thinking. That was the entire point of her night, wasn’t it? Well, mission accomplished.

“Do you plan on seeing him again?” Cauladra enthusiastically asked.

“No.” Strong no. It didn’t even matter. He was going to be dead soon.

“First guy that you let kiss you and you’re not going to see him again?” She sounded disappointed.

Sophia wasn’t disappointed at all. Sure, the wolf was attractive in some weird brooding way, but he had serious problems. She couldn’t exactly read him, but she could tell he issues.

“First -Ikissedhim,hedidn’t kiss me.” Sophia needed to make that clear. She was quite proud of herself for initiating the act, something she didn’t believe she’d ever be able to do. “Second - he’ll be dead by next week. No use trying to date the competition.”

“You kissed the competition?”

Sophia nodded. “It would seem so.”

In retrospect, it wasn’t one of Sophia’s brightest ideas. She seriously wished she didn’t kiss another in front of Casper. Butwhat she did was done now. It was a good thing she felt nothing toward Antonio. If she did, it would make killing him a bit difficult.

So why did the thought of killing him make her cringe?

She shook her head. She trained her entire life for a chance to save her family, for a tournament like this one. She wasn’t going to throw away all that training over one kiss. No way.

“Hey, maybe you’ll both make it through the week alive,” Conall suggested.

“Only one survivor, remember?” Sophia didn’t know why she needed to remind him of that. He couldn’t have forgotten the single most important rule of The Elaron Games.

“Yeah, but Casper’s working on that right now.”

Cauladra whipped her arm around, hitting her brother’s shoulder so hard theslapechoed across the palace’s grounds. “Sometimes you seriously need to learn to keep your mouth shut.”

Sophia came to a halt, finally forgetting about her desire to eat. “Where is he?” Her heartbeat began speeding up. How did she manage to forget Casper was trying to pull her out of the tournament?Shit!Why did she choose today of all days to sleep in? “Someone’s got to tell me!”

“The Great Hall,” Conall told her without hesitation. “Yeah, he’s definitely there. With Valaris.”

Sophia didn’t wait another second before taking off in the direction of the palace’s wing that held The Great Hall. She was so close to saving her family. She’d be damned if she allowed Casper to take that away from her. Sheneededto stop him.

Hopefully, she wasn’t already too late.

Chapter Ten

Sophia Brenning

In a rage, Sophia broke through the front doors of The Great Hall, striding into the magnificent marble room where sunlight beamed in from crystallized skylights, and straight to Casper.

The room was empty, save for Casper and King Valaris sitting across from one another at a chess table located just beside Valaris’ throne.

They both heard Sophia’s booming steps, which echoed down the massive, yet empty, hall. She immediately noticed the contradicting energies radiating off each of them when they looked her way. Casper looked like an absolute wreck. King Valaris, with his sleek copper hair and ornate golden crown, looked entirely unbothered. That wasn’t surprising, King Valaris was always composed. No news could break his steady demeanor.

“How dare you try to take me out of this tournament!” Sophia continued forward, pointing a strong finger in Casper’s direction.
