Page 46 of Rejected By a Wolf

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Somehow, he and Casper were going to get her out of this tournament alive. Maybe after this tournament concluded he could introduce Giselle to Sophia. If Sophia - who was a feyjust as Giselle was - was able to accept Antonio as a werewolf, maybe Giselle could one day too. If Sophia could get past what happened between the two of them, he could convince her to influence Giselle to see things the way she did.

Of course, for that to happen he’d have to be open with Sophia about how negatively his mate, Giselle, looked at him. He’d be lying if he told himself he wasn’t ashamed about that. He wasn’t even sure if he was ready to admit that to Sophia.

In the midst of Antonio’s thoughts, he suddenly got the feeling he was being watched, the hairs on the back of his neck standing straight.

He searched his surroundings, looking for something or someone that might have felt like it didn’t belong.

It didn’t take long for him to find it. Or rather, findher.

A woman in a hooded cloak stood in the distance. Strands of raven black hair crept out from the purple cloak she wore, which was adorned with golden inscriptions.

A chill ran down Antonio’s spine. He recognized that cloak, though he hadn’t seen it in centuries. The purple outfit the woman wore, which was adorn with ineligible golden inscriptions, could not be mistaken. It could not beforgotten.

Not by Antonio. Never.

Images from his past began flooding his mind, bombarding his mind with memories he didn’t want to remember.

Hundreds murdered. His hands painted with blood. The blood of innocent women…

This woman wore the colors of the coven he unfortunately crossed paths with two centuries ago.

The coven that had given Giselle the potion that killed her.

Antonio’s fists clenched at his sides at the memory. He’d never forget the sense of pure rage he felt when he saw Giselle’s body laying on the ground.


There was no stopping his beast from releasing that day.

Unable to control the monster inside him, he slaughtered everyone in that coven.

Well, he assumed he had killed everyone. Now he could see he hadn’t killedeveryone.This woman must’ve been the witch who sent the raven to his bedroom window.

Butwhy? Why would she want to help the wolf who murdered everyone she had ever loved?

The simple answer? She wouldn’t.

Antonio shivered as the harrowing truth of his reality struck him. Somehow, this was a trap. He shouldn’t have signed up for The Elaron Games.

Which only left him with one question -howwas this a trap?

Before Antonio could find the courage to ask, the hooded woman walked away, disappearing in the morning fog.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Antonio Payne

Damn the gods, Antonio couldn’t look away from Sophia no matter how hard he tried. It didn’t help that she was distant from him all day long. She didn’t approach him once, which seemed so unlike her. Whenever he tried to initiate a conversation she would respond with little interest, walking off soon after.

For some reason he believed she had gotten over what happened between them. He couldn’t have been more wrong. Sophia didn’t seem to want much of anything to do with him.

Antonio groaned, pressing his head back to the stone slabbed wall behind him, his attention on Sophia unwavering. She sat a distance down the hall, her head against her knees. He couldfeelhow nervous she was but could do nothing to ease her anxieties. Because she wouldn’ttalkto him!

He fisted his hair. This was maddening!

“Huh. Interesting.” The sorceress, Maya, smirked up at Antonio as she worked on lacing her camouflage boots.

“What is?” He risked taking his attention away from Sophia, shooting Maya a questioning look.
