Page 127 of A Cage of Crystal

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“That’s a pessimistic take,” Garot said with a sideways grin. “You’ve heard the whispers of the truthweavers. The Veil will only tear when our Morkara returns. If it has been torn, Ailan could be back.”

Fanon clenched his jaw. “If Ailan was going to return, she would have done it ages ago.”

Garot shrugged. “It’s only been seventy-five years.”

“Here, yes, but it’s been closer to five hundred years for her. Time passes faster in the human realm. If she were able to return at all, she would have by now.”

“We don’t know what she’s been dealing with in the human world all this time.”

“She might not even be alive.”

“Are you so afraid of hope, Fanon?”

“I’m not afraid…”

The two Elvyn continued to argue, but Cora’s mind remained stuck on what Garot had said about the passage of time. Her heart leaped into her throat, sending a question surging from her lips, her tone frantic. “What do you mean time passes faster in the human realm?”

Fanon and Garot ceased their argument, but it was Etrix who answered. “Our two realms experience time differently, in both tangible and intangible ways. We have no exact calculation, but past events have suggested that one day here is equal to approximately one week in the human realm.”

A wave of dizziness tore through her, almost strong enough to make her knees buckle. “You’re telling me,” she said, voice trembling, “that in the time I’ve been here, walking through the woods and the Blight, watching day turn to night, everyone I know and love has already lived through several days in my absence.”

Etrix had the decency to don a sympathetic frown, but Garot only grinned as he said, “Precisely.”

This time Cora’s knees truly did give out. They crashed into the soft, decaying soil. She sat back on her heels to keep herself from falling forward. “I have to get home,” she whispered. Then louder. “I have to get homenow!”

Fanon sneered at her. “Is that not why we’re at the Veil? Like I said, if there’s a tear in the Veil, we’ll send you home.”

She shifted her jaw side to side, burning him with a glare. “And if there isn’t?”

His lips curled into a cruel smile. “Then I suppose that would make you a liar.”

Mother Goddess, she hoped there really was a tear. Hoped there was a way to cross through. And if not, then she had to find a way to free her hands from Fanon’s bonds and remove the collar, all without using her magic.

She glanced at Valorre.

We go, he said.

She gave him a subtle nod, understanding what his clipped words were meant to convey. No matter what it took, no matter what they had to do, she and Valorre were getting out of there.


Mareleau hadn’t been at the newly erected campsite for more than an hour when she decided she already hated camping. The location was charming, she supposed. She hadn’t paid much attention to the scenery on the brief journey here, but now that she’d arrived at her destination, there was little else to do. The wide meadow dotted with bright wildflowers was so lovely, it almost seemed like it had come from a painting. Mountains loomed behind her while a short cliff surrounded by lush forest stood at the other side. The sun was high in the sky, the afternoon warm, but that was where the charm of this supposed hunting expedition ended.

Half of the beautiful meadow and the flowers within it were now crushed by an array of pavilions set up throughout it, leaving only a small area left to wander through. And it was too damn hot for that. Which meant all she could do was sit under the open-air tent that served as a makeshift parlor with her ladies and try not to lose her mind.

Just a few more days, then Larylis will be here, she reminded herself.Just a few more days after that, and I get to go home with him.

Mareleau sank deeper into the cushions of the divan she reclined on, grateful she had no one to put on airs for. There were no courtiers in attendance, only servants, and the men were in their own tent at the other side of the meadow, preparing for their hunt. Breah, Ann, and Sera lounged in chairs around her, gossiping with the same ease they always did. How were her ladies so adaptable, regardless of circumstance? Did none of them miss Selay? Verlot Palace? Did none of them yearn for the stability of their new home at Dermaine Palace like she did?

Instead of voicing any of her questions aloud, she filled her mouth with sweets. Reaching across the tea table, she plucked up a lemon cookie and a piece of candied ginger from a porcelain plate. She chose one of each, less out of hunger and more out of boredom. Gods, she was miserable. There was even less to do here than there’d been at the castle. At least at Ridine she could wander alone and find some empty hall to cry in—something her emotions demanded on a whim these days—but here there was nowhere to go beyond this tent or the meadow. Unless she fancied a trip into the woods where she could get eaten by bears, mosquitoes, or both.

At least no one expected her to attend the hunt itself. Teryn, her uncles, and King Dimetreus would depart for the day’s adventure any time now. Mareleau cast a glance toward the men’s pavilion, and saw only silhouettes as they lounged, drank, and laughed. Around them, servants gathered supplies and readied horses. She was surprised King Dimetreus was here, considering what Cora had said. Dimetreus was technically no longer king. But of course, to abdicate his position, he’d need his sister to take his place.

A sister who was eerily absent.

Mareleau hadn’t caught a single glimpse of Cora the last few days, much to her growing dread. Whenever she’d asked Teryn about her whereabouts, he’d insist she was under severe protection and wouldn’t publicly show herself until after the peace pact was signed. It made sense, she supposed. If Cora was now queen, she’d need far more protection than when she’d been a princess. But this seemed excessive. Especially considering just how little anyone regarded Mareleau’s safety, and she’d been queen for nearly three weeks longer than her new friend.

Breah shifted in her seat and turned toward Mareleau with a wide grin. “Are you comfortable, Majesty? Do you need more tea? More pillows?”
