Page 136 of A Cage of Crystal

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“Perhaps, but…” Garot glanced at Valorre. “We could test the theory. We do have a unicorn.”

Etrix furrowed his brow, studying Valorre. “What do you propose?”

“We let the unicorn try to move through the Veil,” Garot said. “If the unicorn slips through the wardweaving, we’ll know it was the creature’s horn that allowed him to pass.”

Was my horn, Valorre conveyed to her.Used your travel magic. But was my horn. It will work.

Cora’s chest sparked with hope. “You’ll let us try to leave?”

Garot gave her a warm smile, but before he could utter a word of affirmation, Fanon spoke. “The unicorn can attempt to leave through the Veil, but not with the human. We must test the theory first. If the unicorn returns, we’ll know for certain that the girl was telling the truth. Then we’ll remove the collar and restraints and let her leave with him.”

Her gaze darted to Valorre. Dread sank her stomach. She didn’t like the idea of him leaving without her. What if Garot’s theory was correct about how the unicorns had left, but not about their ability to come back the same way? Valorre had admitted that his horn had allowed them entrance into El’Ara, but that he’d used her ability to astral travel to get here. What if he couldn’t return without her using her magic again?

Valorre voiced an additional worry.What if Veil makes me forget? What if I don’t remember you on the other side? I want to remember. Don’t want to forget.

Her anxiety only grew. Valorre could be right. When she’d met him, he hadn’t remembered where he’d come from. Hadn’t even been able to recall that he’d lived in another realm.

But this might be her last chance at getting home without engaging in further conflict with the Elvyn. She’d been prepared to tell the truth about her powers when it had seemed she was out of options, but this could really work. There was logic involved.

I’ll do it, Valorre said.Worried. But I’ll do it.

“All right,” Cora said, her voice rough. “We’ll send Valorre through the Veil, and when he returns, you’ll free me and let me go back with him.”

Fanon glared at her for a few moments but finally relented. “Very well. Unicorn, approach the Veil.”

Valorre started to walk toward the Veil, head lowered. Cora took a step to follow but felt an invisible tug pull her back. She cut a scowl at Fanon, but he simply stared down his nose at her. Behind him, Ferrah shifted her head, tongue flicking as she watched Valorre with hungry interest.

Mother Goddess, Cora hoped Garot was right about his theory. With how the dragon kept her slitted violet eyes on Valorre, she seemed like a predatory beast, not a creature capable of masterminding a scheme to send unicorns through the Veil to find a lost heir.

Cora swallowed hard and returned her attention to Valorre. He was just a few feet from the swirling mass of mist and shadow now. Another step. Another. Now his horn was just inches from the Veil. He paused and swiveled his head toward Cora.

Will remember, he said.

Her throat went dry and burning tears pricked her eyes. She wished she had access to her magic so she could convey the full weight of her feelings—that she loved him. That he was her best friend. Her familiar. That meeting him was a miracle she’d never ever regret, no matter how much hardship had followed. But she couldn’t touch her magic. She could only hope his was strong enough to read what was in her heart. With a somber smile, she gave him a nod.I know you will.

He held her gaze for several beats more. Then he returned to face the Veil. His next step brought his horn to the misty surface. Then his head. His neck. His shoulders. Then he was…gone.

He’d made it through.

She glanced at her companions, saw the bright awe in Garot’s green eyes, the surprise in Etrix’s raised brows. Only Fanon looked unimpressed. If anything, he looked annoyed. Ferrah, however, seemed calmer now. She’d settled onto her belly, legs curled up beneath her like an oversized feline. Her tail swished lazily over the colorless earth.

Cora turned back to the Veil and watched where Valorre had disappeared. Any moment now, he’d return. Any second, she’d see his horn pierce the misty wall. But with every breath she took, her sense of foreboding grew. These seconds that passed for her were minutes for him. Her minutes were his hours.

So why wasn’t he coming back?

Pain lanced her heart as she considered the possibility that Valorre’s fears had come to pass.

He’d…forgotten her.

No. No, even if he had, she…she’d find him again. She must.

Trembling, she faced the three fae. “Your theory was correct. Now you know how I entered your realm. Let me go home now.”

“Unless you are a worldwalker, you cannot pass without a unicorn,” Fanon said. “We will not send another of ours through the Veil.”

Garot gave Fanon a scathing look. “You said she could leave if we proved she’d arrived like she’d said.”

“I said the unicorn must return to prove our theory.”
