Page 138 of A Cage of Crystal

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Cora was hauled to her feet by Fanon’s unseen tethers. The sudden movement piqued the dragon’s interest. Her pupils narrowed, and she slowly began to rise from her belly, planting her four slender legs beneath her. She splayed her white feathered wings before folding them onto her back. Her tongue flicked out several times, sending wisps of smoke curling into the air. The sun was climbing higher from the horizon, casting the gray landscape under a glow that did nothing to warm the stark appearance of the Blight. Nor did it thaw the ice in Cora’s heart.

“What are you going to do to me?” she asked, voice trembling.

Fanon gestured over his shoulder for the dragon to approach. With slow, slithering moves, Ferrah crept toward them. “Only the Morkara’s bloodline can bond with a dragon. Since I am Ailan’s consort, I can command them and hope they listen, but I cannot bond with them. If you’re truly of Ailan’s lineage, you’ll have no problem bonding with Ferrah.”

“That could work,” Garot said, expression brightening.

Etrix didn’t share his enthusiasm. “This is reckless.”

Fanon shrugged. “It’s the only way we’ll know for sure.”

Cora’s eyes darted from the approaching dragon to the three fae. She tossed Etrix a pleading look, but he gave Fanon no further argument.

Ferrah was just behind Fanon now, her slitted eyes locked on Cora. The creature was stunningly beautiful with her opalescent scales, her feathered wings, her long whiskers. She was a faerytale creature come to life. A fae she’d always fantasized about when she and Maiya had visited the hot spring caves. The Forest People’s stories insisted dragons had once lived in the caves, and that—over time—the creatures had turned into the bioluminescent worms that now inhabited them. She’d never been sure if she believed those tales, but they had been enchanting. Charming.

The dragon who stood before her now was anything but charming. Beautiful, yes. Terrifying, more so.

Fanon stepped to the side, leaving only empty space between Cora and the dragon. Her muscles seized up as the creature stared down at her.

“Go ahead,” Fanon said, a false smile tugging his lips. “Bond.”

“What the hell does that mean?” she ground through her teeth.

“She doesn’t know how.” Etrix shifted his jaw side to side. “All you’re doing is frightening her.”

“Oh, that’s all right,” Garot said, tone gentle. He took a step forward but halted in place when Ferrah swiveled her head toward him with a sharp hiss. “Sorry, Ferrah. Allow me to show your new mommy how all of this works.”

Cora paled. She didn’t want to be this creature’snew mommy. She already had a familiar.

Ferrah flicked her tongue at Garot a few more times, then took a step back. Cora noted the horrifying length of her claws, along with the deep gouges left in the soil where her talons had just been.

With slow moves, Garot shifted to the side, his gaze on Cora. “First, you’re going to bow. Dragons are proud creatures and will refuse to bond with anyone—even someone of the Morkara’s bloodline—who doesn’t bow first. After that, you’re going to hold your body as still as you can. One arm must stay loose at your side, fingers spread to show you hold no weapon. Your other must lift, palm forward, toward Ferrah.” He demonstrated but did so away from the dragon.

When Cora failed to mimic him, he gave her an encouraging nod. “Go ahead. It’s your turn. Face Ferrah and greet her.”

She gave him a pointed look. “I can’t move my arms at all.”

Something loosened around her, and she found her arms suddenly free. Her muscles ached from disuse. The only time she’d been free since Fanon had trapped her was when he’d forced her to walk into the misty wall. But now…she was truly free. Her fingers flinched, tingling with anticipation. If she wanted, she could reach for the collar, remove it, and access her magic. She could avoid this ridiculous ritual and be back home before she knew it—

“Make any move but those Garot has shown you,” Fanon said, “and I’ll have your arms pinned in place again. Then you can be Ferrah’s snack instead.”

It took all her effort to keep herself from reaching for the collar regardless. But she knew removing the collar was only the first obstacle. She’d used her traveling abilities twice, and both times she’d needed time to tune in to her emotions.

“What are you waiting for, human?” Fanon let out a cruel chuckle. “Are you frightened because you lied? If you are the blood of Ailan, then you have nothing to fear.”

Her stomach tied itself in knots. Shewasof Ailan’s blood. Wasn’t she? Morkai had been so certain of who she’d been that he’d cursed her. It was still so much to wrap her mind around. So much to doubt. To fear.


But she had to try.

If this worked, she could earn the Elvyn’s respect. Get them on her side. Encourage them to help her fight Morkai. Beseech them to find a way to reverse the blood weaving he’d placed upon her.

And if it doesn’t work, this thing is going to eat me. That she was certain of.

“The dragon or my blade,” Fanon said. “Choose which you’d rather greet. Now.”
