Page 156 of A Cage of Crystal

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He caught her hand with his. His grip was loose, but he managed to squeeze her palm. “Cora…I…”

She hushed him. “Just rest. You’re safe now. He’s gone.”

The memory of the broken crystal flashed in her mind. She’d watched it crackle and burn after she’d thrown it in the flames until there was no sign of it left. She had to trust that meant Morkai’s soul was no longer able to possess anyone.

He spoke again, brow furrowed, but his words were too quiet to hear. She leaned closer and smoothed her hand over his hair. Berol chirped, nipping his ear. “It’s going to be all right. It’s over.”

He blinked, and his green eyes gained steady focus as they locked on hers. “I…I don’t think it’s over.”

Her hand went still in his hair. “What do you mean? Is Morkai—”

“He’s gone, but…but I don’t think he was the last threat to us. His father…Darius…Elvyn prince.”

The name sent her stomach bottoming out. “Morkai’s father was Darius?”

“Who’s Darius?” Larylis said, leaning closer, but neither Cora nor Teryn took their gazes from each other.

“King Darius of Syrus,” Teryn said. “He’s the reason Morkai found Lela. Found you.”

“King Darius of Syrus,” Cora echoed. She’d heard that name. Her mother had been from the Southern Islands. She’d told Cora tales of Syrus, Zaras, and the other isles, though even if she’d had no personal knowledge of the location, the Southern Islands were hardly a secret. Selay had exclusive trade with them. Cora was certain Syrus’ king—Darius Solaria—was still alive. But how did Teryn know about this?

“There’s so much more I need to tell you,” Teryn said. His face twisted with a wince.

She brushed her hand over his hair again. “Me too. But we have time.”

He nodded, lashes fluttering shut, and sank back into slumber.

She exchanged a glance with Larylis, then Mareleau and her ladies. In wordless agreement, they hefted the pallet back up. Berol took off into the sky, soaring toward the castle.

I’m almost there, Valorre said.

She could feel him even closer now, a comfort that mingled with her growing dread.

If what Teryn had said was true, the danger they faced last night—and at Centerpointe Rock before that—might only be the beginning. Her mind whirled over possibilities.

A broken prophecy.

A fae realm, dying without its heart.

A true Morkara who would tear the Veil and make El’Ara whole.

And the mother who would bear this child, this savior…

She was no closer to breaking the spell that had been cast upon her.

Did that mean Morkai had won after all?

She shook her head, focusing instead on the rise and fall of Teryn’s chest and the feel of Valorre’s growing nearness. It was all she could do to face the crushing pressure as the fate of two worlds settled upon her shoulders.

* * *
