Page 27 of Untouched

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“I can’t kiss you properly like this,” Jay said against her neck. “But this will also get you ready. You’ll start to get wet. Your muscles will start to loosen. Your body will open up and make room for my fingers.”

Oh God. Why did his voice send heat flooding exactly to that spot he was talking about? Why did it make her want to squirm and press her breast into his hand?

As though he knew, his other hand moved to her other breast, and he ran his palms slowly over them, brushing her nipples again and again until she wanted to cry out, demand something, somethingmore.

“Jay,” she said instead, his name a whisper, a question. She felt his lips curve against her neck as he smiled, and then his hands went back to her shoulders and pushed her slightly forward. He unzipped the back of her dress and peeled it down.

“Skin to skin will feel even better,” he promised, and she did nothing but breathe as he slipped the straps of her bra from her shoulders.

He freed her breasts, his hands cupping them together, his thumbs rubbing over her nipples. She bit back a moan. He was right. It was so much better, so intense she almost couldn’t stand it. But she found herself looking down, at his large strong hands on her soft flesh, his thumbs moving across her nipples, and she marvelled at the sight of it, erotic beyond anything she had imagined.

She tipped her head back against him, and he kissed her neck as he kept working that torturous sensation from her breasts.

“I can’t believe you left these off your list, Clements,” Jay teased against her neck even as her hips lifted of their own accord, begging, demanding more.


“Just wait until it’s my mouth on them.”

She moaned, and he chuckled, sounding just a little breathless.

Then his right hand moved down her body and reached her thigh. He stroked her there, slipping his hand under her skirt to her bare skin. He stroked the inside of her thigh, up and down, each stroke tracing higher, teasing, tantalising, until she was shifting her hips, trying to get him to touch her there, right in that spot where every sensation in her body seemed to be gathering.

He ran his fingers up the crease between her thigh and her hip and she moaned. He was so close…

“Jay, please…”

But he brushed his fingers across the fine hair just above that throbbing spot and down to her other thigh, teasing, teasing, as her hips shifted, finding a sort of helpless rhythm.

“Jay, please…” she breathed again, gasping as his left hand, which was still on her breast, gave a squeeze then pinched her nipple between finger and thumb. She whimpered.

“Still can’t believe you left breasts off, Clements. I could think of five lessons for these alone.”

“Jay, please touch me. I need you to touch me.”

She felt him shudder, his chest rising. The finger tracing circles on the inside of her thigh went still, then started to move again, the circles getting wider, higher, until—


He ran one finger right through the middle of that fierce need, and she quivered, moaned. He did it again and again.

“You’re so wet, Soph, so wet it’s fucking beautiful…” he whispered huskily against her neck, sounding almost as overcome as she was, but that couldn’t be true because the sensations he was making her feel were splitting her in two, stealing her mind, making her groan and grind and lose any kind of control.

Jay’s finger slid again through her wetness, and then she saw stars as he came up and round that little swollen nub at the top, her clit, slicking it with her own arousal. Then his thumb was pressing into it, rubbing gentle, torturous circles just as his finger pushed through all the heat and liquid at her entrance and moved inside her, to a place she hadn’t even known existed but which suddenly seemed like the most important place, the only place that mattered, her whole being concentrated on that strange sliding friction of his fingerinsideher.

Jay’s finger inside her…rubbing and teasing her beyond any sense, her thighs trembling, tightening, and then Jay growled, “Fuck, you’re ready enough for two,” and he pressed another finger inside her, stretching her and oh god, oh god—

“Fuck, fuck, Jay…”

Her hips bucked as she rode his fingers, grinding into them as he held her clamped to his chest, hand firm on her breast, and she came, shuddering and crying out, her heart racing as she slowed, stilled, came back to earth. Jay stroked deep inside her as an aftershock of pleasure trembled through her, then pulled his hand away and pressed a kiss to her hair.

“There’s nothing wrong with you, Soph,” he said in a fierce sort of whisper. “Nothing wrong with you at all. You are fucking perfect, so start believing it.”

Chapter twelve


Jayloosenedhisholdon Sophia then lifted her from his lap so she was sitting next to him against the headboard. He moved down the bed a little so he could look at her properly, her hair tumbling everywhere, her face flushed, her dress and bra pulled down to her waist so her breasts swelled round and naked, her skirt pushed up to her hips.
