Page 24 of The Raven Queen

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A commotion out in the corridor had our heads whipping toward the door.

“My wife,the queen,is in mourning. I need to comforther,” Alastor boomed, his sneer audible through the door. He was back. And worse yet, he was in one of hismoods. “Let me pass, or I will force my way through.” A moment later, he said, “Have it your way.”

“Reinforce your shields,” I hissed, then backed away from Garath.

I heard a loud thump on the other side of the door.

Alastor could be extremely dangerous if allowed to penetrate one’s mental barriers. And it was not only because he could easily pluck any surface thoughts or feelings from his target’s mind. As befit his war-loving kingdom, King Eduart had taught all of his sons to weaponize their empathy. Alastor could strike out with a focused lash of his will that would drop any target with an unguarded mind. All he needed was the opening created by a moment of eye contact.

My stare remained locked on the door as I felt my way around the table to my usual chair. I pulled the chair out with shaking hands and sat. I couldn’t handle this right now. I couldn’t handlehim.

Garath stepped in front of me, facing the door, shielding me with his body.

The door burst open, and Macy slumped backward into the sitting room, unconscious. She cracked her head on the hardwood floor hard enough for me to think she would need a doctor. Alastor had hit her with a blast of his will. No doubt Zion was down as well.

But all concern for my guards evaporated when Alastor stepped into the room.

With Liam.

My stomach twisted, and my heart lodged in my throat.

“Hello,wife,” Alastor said harshly, his face twisted into his trademark sneer. His ruddy skin told me he must have been drinking during the last leg of his journey back to Corvo City. He pushed Liam into the room ahead of him.

Liam’s toe caught on the edge of the area rug, and he stumbled forward, landing on his hands and knees on the hard floor.

I burst out of my chair and rushed to my son, helping him up and wrapping a sheltering arm around his shoulders. His whole body trembled, his fear and rage resonating in my bones.

I backed Liam away from Alastor, hatred raging through my veins. I knew how tonight would end. I would have to lie with my husband one more time—but it would be the last time. That knowledge would make it so much easier to stomach than all the other times that had come before.

“Take Liam to Ada’s room,” I told Garath, angling my son toward my most trusted guard without ever taking my eyes off the man looming in the doorway. “I’ll meet you there shortly.”

Garath lingered for a moment, torn between getting Liam safely away from Alastor and staying with me. I understood his dilemma. I wanted Garath to stay, as well. I didn’twantto be alone with Alastor right now. But Ineededto know my son was safe.

“No, Mom!” Liam protested. “I won’t leave you.”

“Go,” I commanded.

Garath didn’t hesitate again, curving a protective arm around Liam’s shoulders. I released my son reluctantly and watched as Garath pulled him toward the doorway, toward Alastor, stopping when my asshole of a husband remained stubbornly in place, blocking the way out.

I held my breath, my hand pressed against my belly to quiet the anxiety writhing in my gut.

After an extended stare down, Alastor stepped aside, waving his arm and bending his neck in a mocking bow.

Liam resisted as Garath pulled him from the room, but he gave in when he noticed my pleading expression. As soon as they were out of sight, I could breathe a little easier.

I straightened my spine and pushed back my shoulders, holding my head as high as if I already wore the crown. “What do you want?”

“To comfort you, of course,” Alastor said, stalking forward. The dangerous glint in his eyes told me he was here to pick a fight, to blow off some steam.

It took a conscious effort to stand my ground. I could handle myself in a fight. Hills had been training me since I was a girl, but Alastor’s skill matched my own, and his size gave him the advantage.

“I’m not in the mood for your brand of comfort,” I said, keeping my voice even. Arguing with him would only rile him up further.

Alastor’s haughty expression transformed into one of mock innocence. “Oh?” He glanced at the two goblets on the table, and his eyebrows rose. “Do you preferGarath’sbrand of comfort?” He was close enough now that I could smell the liquor wafting off him. There was also the hint of something musty, like mildew, as if he had recently spent enough time in a damp, underground place for the scent to cling to his clothes.

“It’s not like that, Alastor,” I said calmly. I hated being around him when he was drunk. One wrong move, one wrong word, and I would set him off.

He stopped to stand in front of me and leaned in until his nose nearly touched mine. “I heard a rumor while I was away,” he whispered. “Can you guess what it was?”
