Page 56 of The Raven Queen

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Mother had known his true nature. He was like a cancer to this kingdom. So long as there was breath in his body, he would always come back to wreak havoc within our borders. No wonder she had ordered the hit on him. Too bad she had failed.

Two more, larger figures darkened the doorway behind Maylar, following him into the throne room. They appeared to be father and son, both tall and lanky, with dark hair and rich brown skin. Their steps formed an arrhythmic beat as they made their way to the dais.

I heard a name whispered through the crowd:Reyes. That had been Father’s name. Except, as I now knew, he wasn’t my father after all.

I kept my expression guarded as I studied the face of Maylar’s older companion. I had been too young to remember Mother’s consort when he had supposedly died, but there were portraits of him scattered around the castle, and even I could see the resemblance between this man and the one I was told was my father.

Garath shifted to stand in front of me on the steps, shielding me with his body, and Fin eased away from the front row, sliding into place in front of Liam. Lyra, Callon, Ada, the guards—everyone armed—had a hand on their weapon and were ready to draw.

“What are you doing here,Maylar?” I hissed, moving out from behind Garath.

Maylar stopped shy of reaching the bottom step, his mysterious entourage of two flanking him. His stare locked with mine, his mouth twisting into a sneer, and then he turned his back to me, ignoring me completely. The younger of his companions caught my eye, his lip curling haughtily.

My stomach lurched. Such contempt. Such masculine intimidation. How many times had I seen a nearly identical expression on Alastor’s face? This man looked nothing like my dead husband, but he exuded the same sense of entitlement and oppressive dominance.

“PrincessDelphinia is unfit to sit on the Corvo throne,” Maylar repeated, his voice booming. “Because she isnota princess at all.”

My heart skipped a beat.

“She is not even of the Corvo line,” Maylar continued. “Queen Corisande was unable to bear a female heir who survived to adulthood. Not even the venerated Corvo line has been spared from the worst effects of the cursed wasting sickness plaguing our kingdom.”

My breaths came faster, and I pressed my palm to my stomach.Howdid he know?

I swallowed my panic, pushing away the irrational thoughts.

Of course, he knew. He had assisted Mother in acquiring the infants. In acquiringme.

“Delphiniawas born to a poor, mixed-Class family from the southern village of Monterey,” Maylar went on. “She is not elevated by blood but by luck and circumstance. She isno true Corvo heir.”

Garath backed up a step and gripped my upper arm. “We need to get you out of here,” he murmured, angling his face toward me but not taking his eyes off the newcomers.

A quick glance over my shoulder told me Fin was already hustling Liam away, Callon, Lyra, and Ada alongside him. Hills descended the stairs to stand defensively at the bottom, another body between the intruders and me. Only Pythia Salma remained on the dais, and the enraged stare she cast in Maylar’s direction made me think she had already been aware of all of this.

“How?” I asked Garath, my jaw clenched and lips barely moving. “Everyone is watching us.”

“But,” Maylar exclaimed, gesturing toward the younger of his companions with a confident sweep of his arm. “Queen Corisandedidbear a healthymalechild who lived to adulthood.” Maylar pushed his bony shoulders back, reminding me of a preening bird. “I present to you, Prince Nolan, son of Queen Corisande, and her banished consort—” He swept his hand toward the older man. “—High Lord Reyes.”

Tense silence filled the throne room. None dared to speak.

“I recognize many faces in this crowd,” Reyes said, nodding to a few people. “You know me. Queen Corisande attempted to have me assassinated for daring to disagree with her plot to deceive you. I barely escaped the city with our young son, Nolan, the last remaining descendant of the Corvo bloodline and your true king.”

Whispers exploded throughout the throne room.

“Blasphemy!” Salma declared, stepping to stand beside me at the edge of the dais. “The Corvo Kingdom hasneverhad a king.”

There was atwangfollowed by ahiss, and an arrow struck the vernal votive close behind Salma, impaling the thick, multicolored candle and sending it flying off the stand.

Salma gasped, her eyes wide, and she touched her hand to the side of her neck. Her fingertips came away red. The arrow had just nicked her skin.

The throne room filled with a suffocating quiet.

“The next one goes in your throat,” Nolan told her matter-of-factly, turning his back to the crowd and climbing the dais. He stopped one step below the platform.

I stood my ground, refusing to back down to this usurper, Mother’ssupposedson. Garath sidestepped, angling his shoulder between us.

“You can still be queen,” Nolan said, his voice cast so low that it only reached my ears—and Garath’s. The corner of Nolan’s mouth twitched. “Ifyou become my wife. You have the people’s love—their loyalty. I could use that.” His eyes narrowed to wicked, challenging slits. “Or, you can be charged with murdering the queen—mymother—by withholding the healing elixir from her, and you will be publicly executed.” His lips curved into a sly smile. “The choice is yours.”

Throughout the audience, attendees shed their colorful equinox tunics and robes, revealing pale-gray leather armor emblazoned with the crest of a black circle surrounding a single black feather, no doubt symbolizing the lone member of the Corvo royal bloodline. And he was the man standing before me threatening to take my life.
