Page 78 of The Raven Queen

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Slowly, Del’s lashes flitted open, her gaze darting around a little before she seemed to realize where she was. Then her big, brown eyes landed on me. She sat up, and her cheeks reddened a little.

“Good morning, beautiful,” I whispered, unable to help my smirk as I tamed her hair, a little unruly from sleep.

“Morning.” Her voice was hoarse from disuse. “I finally fell asleep.”

“Yeah, you did.” I grinned, tucking a final wayward strand behind her ear.

“Have you been up all this time?”

I nodded. “I didn’t want to give our location away to any curious minds below,” I explained. “And don’t worry. The troops are finally heading the opposite way, and I already checked in with Nyx, and everything is fine at the new camp.”

“That’s a relief,” Del breathed, and I watched the tension leave her body.

That made me happy, and sitting up, I rubbed my hand over my face and through my hair, only for it to flop into my eye again. “Shall I get our provisions for the morning so we can get on our way, then?” I climbed to my feet, and after a euphoric stretch, I walked to the door and opened it to let in some fresh air.

Sid flapped his wings eagerly, and with a squawk, he launched out the door to enjoy the morning.

“Provisions, huh?” Del blinked around the decrepit watch tower, her eyes adjusting to the muted pre-dawn pouring in through the open doorway.

I reached down by my feet to grab my pack. “Jerky for breakfast, followed by a sprig of mint to freshen up after.”

Del smiled, her head tilting slightly. “And you just happen to have all of this with you?” she asked skeptically.

I handed her a piece of jerky. “I always have both in my pack,” I explained. “You never know if something like last night might happen.”

When Del was quiet, I looked at her. “Something like last night? Which part, exactly?” There was humor in her voice, but it was forced, and I could feel the air in the room shift with her discomfort.

I knew what Del had likely seen in my mind the other day when she dove into my memories. The women, among many things. And I could only imagine what she was thinking of me right now. “Getting stuck in situations like this,” I told her honestly. “Stuck.Alone,” I added. “It’s happened more times than I can count. So, I’ve learned to be prepared. But,” I added with a grin. “I would be lying if I said I didn’t ensure I had some in my pack this time before leaving camp.” I shrugged. “Just in case.”

That got me a cute curve of an easy smile, and to see Del’s face brighten, especially after last night, when she’d been so desperate to erase the shadows of her past, was a gift I hadn’t expected. Likejust maybewe could really get past the lives we’d led before now and make this thing work between us.

Our eyes lingered on one another, and Del tore a bite of jerky between her teeth.

Being alone with her like this wasn’t something that would happen very often, and though I wanted to savor it a little while longer, I knew everyone was likely worried about Del, and we had to get a move on. “It’s still early,” I mused, chewing a hunk of jerky. “With any luck, we’ll reach the new camp before Liam even wakes.”

Smiling at the idea, Del rose to her feet. She inhaled the morning air, long and deep, and sighed as she peered out at the soft gray glow of the forest. “It’s beautiful here,” she whispered. At least for now, it seemed Del had forgotten about the prophecies and her kingdom. She was at peace.

I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her into my side. “I’m glad you like it.” I kissed her temple. “Come on. I know you’re anxious to get back. Let’s go.”

Del nodded, flashing a grateful, relieved smile, and I stepped inside to grab my pack. Within the hour, we would be back at camp with the others, packing up to head out again into the desert lands.

I felt nervous for some inexplicable reason, bringing Del and Liam into my part of the world. I didn’t know what they would think of our settlement outside Shoshone, but it was all I could offer them right now.

“Fin,” Del murmured as I slung my pack over my shoulder. When I turned around, she was leaning against the doorframe, her eyes glittering in the early morning light.

I handed her a bit of mint and put a leaf into my mouth. “If you’re going to ask if I always look this radiant in the morning, the answer is yes. Yes, I do,” I said and winked at her. That earned me a cute little laugh.

Sincerity filled her eyes. “Thank you for this. For last night,” she said. “For making me feel special again.”

My pulse leapt, my heart dropped, and I shook my head as I stepped closer. “You’ve always been special, Del,” I said, willing her to understand. Taking her chin between my fingers, I pressed a kiss to her lips, long and lingering. “You will alwaysbespecial.” I couldn’t help it. I grinned. “But when you need another reminder, I’m happy to oblige—”

She smacked my arm, laughing as she pulled me in for another quick kiss. “Come on.” She shook her head, a knowing look glinting in her eyes. “Let’s go see our son.”

Butterflies took flight in my chest, and I stepped out onto the platform with her. “I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to hearing you say things like that.”

“Just wait,” Del started, and her eyes flicked to me, “soon Liam will start talking about girls or wanting to go off on his own—”

“Hey, now. I just learned Ihavea son. Let’s not rush it.”

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