Page 137 of No Omega Needed

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Issac Matthews

Ipace the hospital corridor. I'm losing my goddamn shit. I spin, stalling in my path before I take out Riggs.

"They're fine," Riggs saysagain.

"How do you know that?" I growl, focusing on the rage.

If I let myself think about the fear, I'll drown in it. I'm losing my goddamn mind. My heart beats in my chest for that woman.

I can't do this life-thing without her. She's my world. Women die delivering babies. I'm not trying to be dramatic, it's just facts of life shit.

"First of all, because I know Jude would die before letting something happen to either of them. Secondly, because I talked to him while you were still showering."

The hospital was kind enough to give us scrubs. Unfortunately, they don't really come in my size. I'm about to burst out of them at the seams. Much like I feel like doing with my skin. I need to be with Love.

"McKinley and the baby are fine. Do you need me to repeat it a third time?" Riggs asks.

"Why won't they let me in there?" I snarl.

My heart is trying to pound out of my damn chest. I clench my fists at my sides to keep from taking a swing at the wall.

"You need to get your shit together before you see her. Calm the fuck down and be the rock she needs. They're going to triage her quickly. Do all that afterbirth stuff. The shit they couldn't do in a moving vehicle. You'll be with them soon." Riggs pats me on the shoulder.

"Are they okay?" Dexter asks, coming our way. "They made me ride with the fucking cops."

"They're gonna be fine; it was a long ride," Riggs says in a comforting tone that sounds weird as shit coming out of his mouth. "You have a daughter."

"A girl?" Dex asks with a sob. He shakes his head, wiping a hand over his face. He finally grins. "I knew it was going to be a girl."

Having a daughter is scary as hell. It's all I've been thinking about since Riggs told me.

A daughter. It's a goddamn blessing and a curse all at once. Boys are safer in our world than girls.

It's scary knowing I have a daughter. Still, I'm over the moon. My eyes squeeze shut, I'm so thankful they're okay.

"Yeah," Riggs says. He's watching Dex with a weird look on his face.

I grin at Dex.

"We have a daughter," Dex says, rushing me. "Fucking thank God they're okay."

I nod. "We'll be able to see them soon."

"Can I hold her?" Dex asks. He's staring down at the baby like she's the most precious thing he's ever seen. I'm pretty sure there are rocks in my esophagus. It's hard to swallow, seeing that look on Dexter's face.

"Yeah." Love grins. "Of course."

Dex takes a seat on the edge of the bed, staring at Love with a look I can't decipher.

"Here, let me help," Walker says, plucking the baby out of Love's arm and settling her against Dexter's chest.

Walker goes over how to support her neck. He steps back, but the look on his face says it's the very last thing he wants to do. He's actually clenching his hands at his sides. He does not want to let go ofourbaby.

I snap pictures of the three of them.

Riggs just stares at Dexter.

Love looks utterly exhausted.
