Page 38 of No Omega Needed

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Sometimes it's very convenient that he calls me by my first name. Now is one of those times. It sounds like Dex has no idea who I am and he just laid a pick-up line on me.

"Whoa," I say, batting my lashes up at him. "You're Dexter Clark! Ohmigod, I'm a big fan." I nod over Vince and the dick. "That guy was trying to say I'm too pregnant to be a groupie, but I've always wanted to fuck a rock star…"

Dex scowls over at the dick. The other women who've been waiting backstage immediately descend. Dex wraps himself protectively around my middle. Issac pops off stage, watchingthe situation carefully. It's not like this is my first experience with someone ignoring my very clearly labeled badge.

"Sorry, ladies, I've got my after the show fuck all picked out," Dex says, smirking down at me. That fucking look sends a pang to my chest and butterflies fluttering around in my gut. Dexter swipes a tattooed hand over my cheek as he bites his lip. "Fucking hell, we don't even have to worry about knocking you up."

Vince snorts.

The guys from Northern Star move to head out on stage. They stop to slap hands with Issac and Dex. The women immediately transfer their interest to the band of five guys about to take the stage.

Issac bounces over, scooping me up. "You gonna let me fuck you, too? I always wanted to bang a pregnant chick." He chuckles darkly.

Issac has to lean back slightly to make room for the baby bump in between us. My legs wrap around his ass, and I lean in for a dirty kiss with plenty of tongue.

"She's gonna take both of us." Dex smirks over at the dick who is busy staring open-mouthed. "Right, Baby?"

"Oh, for sure," I say, moaning as Issac licks my neck. "Let's make this happen."

"You're a fucking idiot," Vince says, swiping a hand over his face and shaking his head at the guy.

Issac carries me off toward the green room.

"Did not see that shit coming," the dick says, sounding truly flummoxed. "I mean, she's hot. But she's super fucking pregnant. Guess you don't even have to wrap it up…"

Dexter goes rigid. I know exactly what that means.

"Dex, no!" I shriek, but he's already spinning around, heading back for the guy. Everyone is scared of Issac. And yeah,he's a big guy… but he's also much slower to anger than Dexter. I've seen Dex get inwaymore fights over the years than Issac.

"No!" Jude barks, stepping in front of Dex. Dex continues forward, and Jude slams him back with his palms on his chest. "Not worth it. Go take care of your baby mama."

Vince shoves the guy further away from Dex. "Get lost," he growls. "Seriously fucking dumb human beings…"

Jude pushes Dexter in my direction and I hold out my hand for him. He follows Issac into the green room.

Dex fidgets. He's clearly on edge.

"That's one disrespectful shit-head," Dex growls.

I nod. It's not a usual occurrence these days, but something similar has happened a handful of times. I get it, I truly do. I've seen the way some of the women can be, they'll do anything they can to catch the attention of their favorite star. That guy has probably seen some shit in his time backstage to make him so jaded.

"He's gonna need you," Issac says, setting me on my feet. His warm breath fans over my shoulder as he turns me toward Dexter. I tilt my head, blinking up at him. I'm really unsure what's happening right now. "I trust him. Do you?"

Issac and his games. He loves fucking with people's heads, but I know he'd draw the line at hurting me or the baby. Meaning he knows something I don't.

"At some point one of the two of you is going to have to say enough is enough and communicate with the other," Issac murmurs against my neck. "For now, let's fuck."

Dexter swipes a hand over his face. It's pretty clear he's on the verge of self-destructing even further.

I glance up at Issac who gives me an expectant look.

I only know of one way to calm Dexter down when he gets like this. Combined with Issac's comments, it's pretty clear he's encouraging just that.

I'm also pretty sure for Issac this is another opportunity for me to prove I trust him to take care of me.

And I know he cares about Dexter, too.

I shrug.
