Page 94 of No Omega Needed

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"You good, Love?" I ask.

She nods. "So good."

I'd say she's a little high off the alpha pheromones absolutely saturating the air. Dex finally has enough and moves up the bed. He spreads his legs wide and scoots down until her chest is right over his. I'm still locked inside her pussy. He pulls her mouth down to his and they kiss. Her pussy grips me so hard it's barely a few shallow thrusts and I'm busting.

"God…" Dex groans. It's a wildly obscene sound. "The way your tits bounce against my chest. Fuck. Kiss me, Baby."

She does. As I finally gain a little more clarity I see she's got her hand wrapped around his cock, jerking him off. He comes all over his stomach as I'm still gently grinding my knot inside her.

She leans over him, holding her belly up to prevent putting pressure on it. Dex cradles her cheek, staring at her with unmistakable love. How they can both be so oblivious is beyond me.

"Best babymoon ever," Love groans, wiggling her hips against my pelvis. "I hate to tell you this, but Izzy, do not reset the timer on that thing," Love grumbles. "I have to pee, and that's not high on my list of kinks to try."

Dexter and I crack up. Love really is like no other. She's my best friend, my lover, my fucking soul walking around in a separate body.

She's fucking everything.

"Good morning," Dex says a little too loudly. "I mean early afternoon."

Riggs flips him off, taking a seat on the couch, and Dex cackles.

"Dude, cheer up. You made your introductory move. It was successful. Don't be a hater. Oh shit, are you dehydrated from all the alcohol you consumed yesterday? Here let me get you a hator-ade." Dex actually jumps up off the chair, heading into the villa's kitchen.

Walker, Riggs, and I all groan. Riggs sure as fuck snaps up the sports drink though. Old dude is hurting.

"Technically speaking," Riggs says, "she made the first move. I just sealed the deal."

"Congratulations," Dexter says without a hint of malice. "Did you get to watch?" he asks Walker. "Baby seemed to think you slept through all that, but I'm not buying it."

Walker sputters, choking on the water he was drinking. He nods.

"Did you take my advice?" Dex asks Walker, grinning.

Jude blushes and glances away. "I did, but it feels disrespectful to discuss what we did together."

"Love already told me," I say, smirking at Walker. "And I told Dexter."

"I've never been good at locker room talk," Walker says, bowing his head.

"It's not like that," Dexter says, swiping a hand through the air. "Then talk about you. Was it everything you thought it would be? Better than you thought?"

Walker coughs, but nods. "Life-changing."

I shoot Dexter a 'chill the fuck out' look. Jude isn't a bad guy. He's genuine as hell. There's no reason for Dex to make him uncomfortable.

"So you both at least made it to third base?" Dex asks, glancing between them. "Then why the fuck did you drink yourselves stupid last night instead of joining in?"

"They're new to all this," I say to Dex. "Don't pressure them. They'll move at their own pace."

"You don't get jealous?" Riggs asks, leaning forward and directing the question at me.

I shrug. "Momentarily when Dex is somewhere I want to be but, nah, man. Not overall."

"I didn't mind watching Love and Vince," Jude says.

"That's a good start," Dex tells him. "Next time, invite yourself in. Baby likes you. She won't turn you away. Trust me, bro, I've got like a hundred out of a hundred success rate. Just slide in next to her and offer back-up assistance."

"This is your best friend in the entire world?" Riggs asks dubiously.
