Page 99 of No Omega Needed

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"But if you do want to make the move, you might want to check out the houses before too long," Rook says. "Even if you don't move until Love gives birth."

"We gotcha," Dex says, flicking the band against his wrist. "Love doesn't have much family that she's close to. Having Kitten close by would be a relief."

"Hell, if you need a babysitter, you can borrow Griffin," Rook says, chuckling. "Although you might have to wrestle the kid back."

Jamen stands. "Until these fuckers come through on the grandkids, I'm available." He grins wickedly. "Hell, what am I saying? Even after they do I'll still watch 'em. Just be aware they might come back saying 'fuck' a hell of a lot more."

Dexter cackles. "It won't be anything new. Thanks for giving us the information."

"No problem," Rook says, awkwardly shuffling toward us. When he pulls me in for a hug, I do a double take. But I pat himon the back anyway. "It's the bond. Lyric's soft spot for you guys seems to be contagious."

Rook pulls Dex in for a hug next. "Lyric told us how you were there for her when she needed someone to talk to and how you encouraged her to open up to us. Fucking thank you from the bottom of my heart," he says, not letting Dexter go. "If you need anything, we're here for you."

"No thanks needed," Dex says, shaking his head and looking shell-shocked.

"What did you think about all that?" I ask Dexter once we're in the car.

"I'm down." Dexter shrugs. "I'm good wherever. I've got no problems with the snow. Florida is hotter than the devil's taint."

"Did you see those prices?" I sigh. "We can swing it. It's going to be tight, but we can pay cash if we're careful."

"Baby handles all that crap," Dex says, shrugging. "I've got no idea what we've got in the bank."

Love is excellent with numbers. She handles our investments and our savings.

"How do you feel about Colorado, Jude?" Dex says, fluttering his eyelashes and smirking up at Walker, who is watching us in the rear view mirror.

"It's fine," Walker says, shifting his eyes back to the road. "Are you guys seriously considering movingagain?"

"Yeah," I say, nodding. "Love is going to need help with the baby, especially once we have to head back out on tour."

"Vince and I will help," Walker says, frowning.

"Kitten and her guys are apparently relocating," I tell him. "It wouldn't be a bad thing to have help close by. We get you guys will be around, but—"

"No, I get it," Walker says, nodding.

Fuck, I guess Dex and I need to make a quick trip to Colorado.

Chapter Thirty

Baby Love McKinley

"You're more than welcome to come," Kitten says. She's curled up at my side, trying to goad the baby into wiggling. She used to be much gentler, but I swear she's poking my belly like if she's just annoying enough the baby will wake up and she can pretend to be shocked. She's spitting out so many soothing pheromones there's very little I want to do aside from nap, and I'm betting the baby feels the same damn way.

Storm gives me a head shake. Okay then, this trip is a surprise for Kitten. Dex and Issac are also going; they're taking the same flight with Storm, Lachlan, and Kitten. Then from my understanding they're splitting off. I shrug. I'm entirely too pregnant to want to travel unless absolutely necessary.

"McKinley is going to sit this one out," Vince says, leaning forward in his chair.

"Yeah, I think I'd rather stick around. I'm feeling very nesty at the moment," I say, snorting a laugh.

Kitten blinks up at me. "I want to partake in the nesting. I don't see why I have to go. We just got back and I don't want to travel more," she says to Storm.

"Get up, Shorty; we're going before you get any more combative," Storm replies, quirking an eyebrow at her.

"Where's Lachlan?" she grumbles, cuddling closer. "He won't make me leave Love and the baby."

Storm snorts. "That baby will still be baking when we get back."
