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“You have finally returned to us, my King.” A deep voice draws our attention to the front of the temple.

A Dragon with obsidian scales walks toward us. His silver eyes widening slightly as they land upon me before his face returns to a stoic mask. “You have… a guest, my King?”

“Freyja, this is High Priest Arkon,” he gestures to the Dragon. “Arkon, this is my T’kara, the Princess Freyja of Ruhaen.”

The High Priest’s mouth drifts open, but he quickly snaps it shut, and then bows low. “It is an honor to meet you, T’kara of King Aurdyn, and blessing from the gods.”

I had not expected acceptance so quickly, but Aurdyn had told me that many would respond this way. He is right: the bond is revered among his people. So much so that even a High Priest is willing to overlook the fact that I am human.

Years living at the royal court of my uncle have trained me well, and I easily slip back into the practiced role that I remember. “It is pleasing to meet you as well, High Priest Arkon.”

Another Dragon with silver-white scales approaches. They look so much alike, I would think they are brothers, but I know Aurdyn has no siblings. His face is set in a stern expression and his golden eyes flash with anger as he rounds the column and stalks toward Aurdyn.

“Where have you been?” he snaps. “We sent out warriors to—” the words die in his throat as he stares at me in shock. “You’ve captured a human female?” He asks incredulously. “Have you gone mad?”

Aurdyn moves to my side and hooks his arm around my waist, curling his left wing possessively around my shoulder. “Princess Freyja is not my captive.” He tips up his chin. “She is my T’kara.”

His jaw drops.

Aurdyn ignores his stunned expression and introduces us as if everything were perfectly normal. “Freyja, this is my cousin, Brovyn. Brovyn, this is Freyja.” He gestures to the still gaping Dragon. “Brovyn is not just my cousin, he is my advisor.”

His words seem to snap Brovyn out of his stupor because he turns to Aurdyn, blinking several times. “You found your T’kara.” His words are full of awe-filled reverence. He looks again at me and bows low. “It is an honor to meet you, Princess Freyja.”

A smile quirks his mouth and he claps a hand on Aurdyn’s shoulder. “This is wonderful, cousin. We should make an announcement at once.” He looks between us both. “There is much to prepare. We will need to inform the court so that we can plan the bonding ceremony and the coronation and—”

“My T’kara needs rest,” Aurdyn cuts him off. “All of that can be addressed at a later time. We will meet you for dinner later,” he dismisses him.

Aurdyn’s gaze slides to mine, and something akin to sadness flashes behind his eyes. He knows I have not yet made up my mind to stay with him. “Come, Freyja.” He offers me his arm, and I loop mine through his. “I will show you the castle and our rooms.”

Our rooms?I wonder if I’ve heard him wrong, but I do not ask. Not while we have an audience. The way the High Priest and his cousin reacted to the news of what I am, I wonder how bad it will reflect upon Aurdyn if I choose to have the bond removed.

I also wonder how damaging it would be to his rule if we leave it intact, and I choose to stay.

Only two people know about me thus far. Both of them are close to him, and their sentiments regarding me, and our connection, may not be echoed throughout the rest of his kingdom.

Several of Aurdyn’s guards bow low to their king as they pass, but their eyes are locked onto me with gaping expressions.

Worry tightens my chest as we walk toward the castle, but I hold my head high. Dragons respect strength above all else. I am the T’kara of their king, and I will make sure they know that I am strong.



We walk through the palace gardens on our way to the castle. I’m surprised by how wild and untamed it appears. As if we were in an actual forest, instead of carefully manicured grounds outside the fortress.

Large trees with green, needle-like leaves are scattered throughout, creating a dense canopy over the many walkways. Bubbling streams wind along the curving paths before collecting in a large pool near the cliff edge and spilling over the side to continue down the mountain.

The sun shines brightly on the smooth ivory stone of the palace, making it shimmer like gold. We approach the main doors and I have to tilt my head all the way up to study them and the intricate carving etched into the golden metal of beautifully curved and interlocking patterns, and a large flying Dragon in the center.

Two guards push them open and we step into a large entryway with polished stone floors and walls covered in tapestries. I grimace as I study them closer and realize they portray Dragons in battle against elves, fae, and humans.

This does not bode well, but I hide my concern behind a confident mask as we walk further inside.

Our footsteps echo loudly as we move through the structure and toward a large staircase ahead. It takes up nearly half of the far wall. Aurdyn takes my hand as we ascend to the next level and I trace my free hand over the elegantly carved stone along the banister. Similar winding patterns to what were seen on the front doors.

Aurdyn guides me down a long hallway to another set of double doors. A green Dragon at the end pushes them open for us, bowing low. Aurdyn turns to him as we enter. “Send for a seamstress and have them report to the castle first thing in the morning.”

His brow furrows, but he nods before disappearing down the hallway.
