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Chapter Twenty-Five


The ride back home is quiet. I keep catching Carson staring at me out of the corner of his eye. I want to snap at him to keep his eyes on the road but I really don’t have the energy. I know that I’m not acting like my normal self and he most likely thinks it’s some kind of after effect of this evening’s trauma. Don’t get me wrong, I was scared out of my mind. Up until I got into that van with him the only thing I could think of was getting Oliver as far away from that man as possible. It wasn’t until we were alone together that I really started to worry about myself.

But that’s not why I’m being quiet. Not really. I have a lot of things on my mind.

I understand what Carson did and I understand why he did it. Hell, even if I wasn’t being hunted down by some misguidedgrief filled father our breakup was inevitable. I should thank the man.

For a split second I believed that I could have the same thing that everyone else did. I’d trained myself for years not to expect anything from a man. A relationship, a family, a future. I had learned not to want those things. Then in comes Carson, like a bull in a china shop and he shattered away my carefully constructed defenses and made me believe those were things that were possible, that they could be within my reach. Really, I’m thankful for the cold hard dose of reality that took it away from me.

Oh, I absolutely believe Carson thinks he wants me. He’s a good man. How he handled this situation is enough to see that. He cares about me now, hell he might even love me a little bit, but that’s why I have to let him go. Someday he’ll realize he wants all those things I don’t want, and even more importantly, can’t give him. That look of affection in his eye will turn to one of resentment. I don’t want to be there to watch the feelings he has for me slowly turn to those of hate for taking his choices away from him like they were taken from me.

It’s best for everyone if I go back to living my life the way it was before he and Oliver came into my life. Then they can both move on. Maybe find a woman who has more to give than I do. One that will expand their family beyond three.

I feel his hand grip my thigh and I’m so deep in my thoughts it causes me to jump so high I practically hit my head on the roof of the car. “Hey, you okay over there?”

“Yeah, great,” I say giving him a smile that I’m not positive I’m pulling off.

“I spoke to Gloria before we left. Oliver is already passed out at her place so it’s just you and I tonight.”

I cover his hand with my own and give it a squeeze. “That sounds perfect.” And it does. I can give myself one last night withhim. Sure, it’s probably a little selfish of me but I’m giving him up for his own good. I can have this one thing for myself, can’t I? Besides, it’s not like he won’t be getting anything out of it.

We pull into his driveway and I’ve barely stepped a foot outside of the car before he’s grabbing my hand and dragging me behind him towards the front door. I let out a laugh as he pulls me inside. “Somebody is a little eager.”

“Can you blame me? I haven’t been inside you in a week. It’s been fucking torture.” Before I can answer his lips are moving against my own. It’s somehow both rushed and unhurried at the same time. Almost like he’s sipping deeply from my lips.

I let out a little gasp and his tongue quickly swipes inside my mouth, barely making contact with my own. My tongue tries to chase his back into his mouth but he pulls away causing me to let out a whimper of frustration. His lips move down the column of my neck and my head falls back giving him greater access as my entire body starts to warm and tingle in anticipation.

My hands move down to his waist and I quickly pull out the tucked in tails of his shirt, slipping my hands underneath so I can feel his hot skin on my fingertips. I can feel the growl deep in his chest and before I know it his shirt is gone, discarded somewhere on the floor. Just as I’m about to continue my exploration with my hands, he drops to his knees in front of me and starts tugging my pants down.

I can hear the little sounds of anticipation I’m making but I’m apparently unable to stop them. His face is pressed against my cotton covered mound and I can hear him inhale deeply, taking in the scent of my arousal. Every time he does this I know I should feel embarrassed but when I look down and see him licking his lips, anticipating the taste of me on his tongue, I can’t feel anything except blood rushing to my core, plumping up my clit for him.

“Please, Carson,” I can’t help but beg. God, I’ve missed this. Has it really only been a week?

“Tonight, baby, you don’t need to ask for anything.” With that promise he swiftly pulls on my panties, causing them to rip, and leaving a stinging sensation on my hip and thighs that only turns me on more. “You’re so fucking wet for me. You need this as much as I do, don’t you, honey?”

“Yes.” The word is an answer and plea together. I can feel my wetness covering my thighs and he hasn’t even touched me yet. It’s always like this with him. With just a look, he can make my pussy gush like it never has before.

He doesn’t dive into my slit like I expect him to, instead he gently licks me from my entrance up to my clit and back again. As soon as he hits my bundle of nerves my hips can’t help but jerk and push into his skilled tongue. He starts to kiss my wet pussy like he’s kissing my mouth, gently darting his tongue in and out, swiping left and right, driving me out of my mind.

I grab onto the short hairs at the top of his head and do my best to pull him closer into me. He stiffens his tongue and uses it to rub my engorged clit causing me to hold onto his hair tighter and start to ride his face, rubbing my slit firmly up and down his face, using his tongue to fuck myself.

While I’m riding his face with abandon he grabs my ass cheeks and pulls me even more tightly against him. I can hear the wet and sloppy noises his mouth is making against my dripping cunt and between the sounds and his tight grip on my ass I’m getting so close to the edge I’m not sure I can hold back.

“Carson, I’m gonna come.”

He doesn’t say a word, only redoubles his efforts, this time sucking my clit fully into his mouth before batting it back and forth with his tongue. I’m so close but I just need a little more to get me there. As usual, Carson senses what I need and gently bites down on my swollen clit.

I let out a scream I’m sure the neighbors will be able to hear and feel a release of more of my juices escape my core straight into his mouth. Carson doesn’t slow down but continues to eat me through my orgasm while I simply hold onto his hair for dear life while all I can see are stars.

When I finally come back to my senses, I realize we’ve moved to the bedroom and I have absolutely no recollection of how I got here. Carson’s now naked, his cock so hard it’s practically pointed straight up in the air and it’s shiny with precome. My mouth waters and I can’t take my eyes off it while he reaches behind me and unsnaps my bra.

I quickly push him backwards until the back of his legs hit the bed and he’s forced to sit.

“Wha—” he starts to ask but gets the picture pretty quickly once I’m on my knees in between his outstretched legs. I lean forward but he quickly stops me by cupping my chin with his hand. “You don’t have to do this tonight, baby. I want this to be about you.”

I give him my best pout. “I thought you said I don’t have to ask for anything tonight.”
