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“You got it, buddy.” I pat him on his back encouragingly. I’m a bit worried about this part. Oliver is a shy kid. Standingup and speaking in front of a room full of strangers seems a bit terrifying, even for me. I told him he didn’t have to go up there alone, that I would go with him but he insisted on doing this part all by himself. Who am I to hold my kid back?

As soon as he moves forward and goes to stand at Margot’s side I hear a murmurer run through the room. “What’s going on? What are you two up to?” Bianca questions. I know she hates being left out of what’s happening so this has got to be killing her.

“Just watch,” I say before leaning down and giving her a quick kiss. I can tell she wants to argue with me but we’re in public and the room is starting to quiet again after the initial upheaval and chatter that a five-year-old artist apparently causes.

I’ve been so focused on Oliver and his nerves but it seems like all my worry was for nothing. He’s insisted on practicing what he was going to say every day in the car on the way home from school and now he’s standing there, at Margot’s side, looking perfectly serene. Unfortunately, all that worry for Oliver seems to have turned towards myself. I can feel my pulse in my ears as my heart pounds at a rate that can’t possibly be healthy.

Has it been this hot in here all night?I undo the top button of my dress shirt to give myself a bit of breathing room.

“I’ve had the pleasure of meeting this young man a few weeks ago and had a chance to look at some of his work. He’s an extraordinary developing talent and I have no doubt that one day many of his works will grace the walls of Gault Gallery. May I introduce to you all, Oliver Turner.”

There’s applause throughout the large room and Oliver gives a shy smile. Jenna holds out a microphone to him and he grabs it, holding it comically close to his mouth. In fact, I’m pretty sure his lips are all over that thing. I grimace slightly, hoping they cleaned it off before this.

“Thanks everyone and thank you Margot for having me.” I can’t help smiling like the proud father I am at how comfortable he seems. A few months ago, I doubt something like this would have been possible. From the corner of my eye I can see Bianca looking back and forth between me and Oliver with a bemused expression on her face so I squeeze her hand in a gesture that I hope conveys to her that everything is fine.

“My name is Oliver and this is the first art gallery I’ve ever been to. I wanted to paint something special for one of my favorite people and I thought this would be a cool place to show her.” The crowd gives a soft chuckle at that but it seems to be with him and not at him which is good. “Before I show everyone I want to thank Bianca.” He points directly to her and I can see her cheeks tinge just slightly pink. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen her blush before. Every head in the room has turned to look at the gorgeous woman at my side.

“She gave me my first sketch pad and pencils and told my Dad where I could go for art lessons. Painting and drawing are my favorite things to do and Bianca is the reason that I get to do that.” He turns to Jenna who is standing right behind him. “Can you show it now?” He asks.

“Of course,” she says with a look of genuine affection.

“This is calledMy Family,” he says as Jenna approaches the painting that’s been the source of Bianca’s curiosity and removes the covering over it. As the piece comes into view there’s a collective gasp throughout the room. I know most people are making that noise because they weren’t expecting to see what’s before them. Instead of some five-year-old’s crude drawing there’s a rather well-done portrait of myself, Bianca, and Oliver positioned in between us. It’s not as refined as the paintings that are gracing these gallery walls but even I can tell it’s good. It’s better than any five-year-old should be able to do. Bianca recognizing his talent right away and nurturing it has certainlybeen a blessing. He’s the one that wanted to call itMy Familyand we certainly look like that up on that canvas.

“Why don’t you tell us about these people you’ve created, Oliver,” Margot encourages. I wrap my arm around Bianca’s shoulder’s and draw her into my side, she comes with no resistance. I can’t bring myself to look at her yet. I’m not ready yet to see the look on her face with how she’s taking all this because even if she looks less than thrilled, it’s too late to back out now.

“This is my Dad, and that’s me, and that’s my Mom, Bianca.” I feel her give a jerk in my arm and I force myself to look down at her face. Her gaze is locked onto Oliver and if I’m not mistaken there are tears in her eyes. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen Bianca cry before. Not even when she was kidnapped and had a gun held to her head. I’m honestly not sure if this is a good or bad sign. I told Oliver that he didn’t have to refer to her as his mom and that he may want to speak to her first but he was insistent, there was really nothing I could do. I know she loves Oliver whole heartedly. It feels wrong to refer to her as his friend or his Dad’s girlfriend. She’s so much more to him than that. Those two share a special connection that I can’t even touch.

Oliver didn’t practice anything to say after that so for a moment he’s just standing there, microphone in hand, shifting from foot to foot. That’s my cue to take over. I use the back of my hand to wipe of the sweat that’s suddenly accumulated on my forehead, drop my arm from around Bianca and move forward until I’m in front of Oliver. I lean down so we’re eye to eye and say, “Good job buddy, you killed it.” He gives me his signature shy smile and hands me the microphone.

I brace myself to finally look at Bianca’s face, hoping it won’t be horrified. When I turn her hands are clasped in front of her heart and there are tears now streaming down her face. She doesn’t look ready to make a run for the exit, which I haveexpected her to. Sure, she looks a little stunned but she also looks… happy.

“If you could all indulge me just a moment longer,” I say, “I have a few words for my girlfriend Bianca.” I can see her friends and father all giving me encouraging smiles so I make an effort to still my shaking hands and continue. For fuck’s sake, I’m a police officer, this shouldn’t be so fucking frightening.

I level my eyes on her and attempt to remember everything I planned on saying but it all seems to be slipping away now that the moment’s come so I guess I’m winging it. “Bianca, you’re everything I never thought I needed in my life but I was so so wrong. From the very second you fought me over a parking space I knew that you were what was missing from my life. Well, from our lives,” Bianca lets out a small stifled laugh. “Our love story wasn’t easy, it had ups and downs, twists and turns, but it was absolutely perfect for us. Even when you were driving me crazy with your sass and attitude I never, not for a single moment, could conceive of a world where we aren’t together.”

I let go of Oliver and reach into my pocket taking out the small box that’s been sitting there like a lead weight all evening, and get down on one knee. There’s another round of gasps throughout the room accompanied by not so quiet whispers but I ignore them all. All my attention is glued to the most gorgeous woman in the world that’s standing before me, looking at me with love in her eyes. I think that look is the only thing calming me enough to be able to continue on with this.

“Babe, you’ve made the three of us a family. You’re the glue that holds us together. I went out and bought this ring the day after you agreed to come back to me. I’ve always known we were meant to be, I just had to wait for you to catch up, and now nothing would make me happier than if you would give me the greatest honor of my life and agree to be my wife and make us a family for real.”

The entire gallery is so silent you could hear a pin drop. I wait a few heart beats but Bianca hasn’t answered me yet. She looks a little stunned and frozen to the spot so I say the first thing that pops into my mind. “I’ll even let you park in front of my driveway anytime you want.”

There’s light laughter throughout the room and that seems to snap Bianca out of whatever thoughts she was lost in. She comes rushing towards me but stops to crouch down to Oliver’s level. “You okay with this?” His face breaks out into a wide smile as he emphatically nods his head. She straightens back up and wraps her arms around my waist. “You promise, I can park in front of the driveway?”

I can’t help but throw my head back and laugh. I should have known that even during my proposal she would give me shit. But that’s one of the many reasons I love her. “Yeah, I promise.”

“Then, yes. Of course I’ll marry you.”

The not in my stomach loosens. “You sure, Sparky?”

“Don’t give me a reason to change my mind.”

Well, I don’t want to do that. Instead of saying anything else, I capture her lips in a kiss and I can vaguely hear applause and cheers from the people crowding the room.

I never would have thought that the girl I fought with over a parking spot, with fire in her eyes, would end up being the love of my life and someone I could never live without. I silently vow to myself while my lips are on hers that I’ll spend the rest of my life making sure she understands just how much she means to me and our family.
