Page 16 of Heart Broken Mate

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“Your word is the law,” I told him.

“Of course it is.”

“But can I ask for something?” I said, a little smirk on my face to show I knew I was yielding. I have been nothing but civil, so he had no choice but to listen to what I had to say. He had otherchoices, but he had to consider what message he was sending out there as the new Alpha.

“Go ahead,” he said.

I could feel Buff boiling beside me. I don’t know where most of their hate for us stems from, but they always seem to forget that once we were like them. Once we had a pack, we enjoyed the sense of camaraderie that comes with belonging.

“If I do capture this girl and I bring her to you alive, I want you to promise, before this crowd, that you will leave my friends and me alone in the reservation. We cause no trouble being there. We just want to be left alone in peace.”

The Alpha considered it for a moment, and then he shrugged.

“Of course,” he said. “You will have the land in the reservation if you bring her to me alive.”

He walked away from the throne after that and out of the room. The rest of the pack followed him out. I notice one of them at the far end. He was smaller than the rest and had a slickness about his eyes. He caught my eye before stepping out of the room, but he quickly looked away.

“Your kind is supposed to be nomads, not settlers,” Buff said, his eyes burning with hate. I said nothing to him and walked out with the others.

It would soon be morning, and I had a hunt to plan.

Chapter six(Hayley)

I could have returned home, but I had a feeling they would have someone there waiting for me. Werewolves work swiftly. Hell, there would be people on the street now looking for me. It had barely been thirty minutes since I left the Palace, and I was walking down an abandoned road, a location at the far end of the town in mind. I have to get out of these clothes first, get new ones, and make plans to leave town. It will be hard, close to impossible, but I have to get it done.

I wondered what Viper's initial reaction and response would be. He was a very rash being. He could order the whole town locked down and order everyone to be on the search for me. A town of over fifty thousand wolves searching for a single girl. It would be disastrous for me. There was no escaping it.

I came to the end of the road and heard voices approaching me. I ran to the side of a building that stood out in the dark of the night because of the white paint. It was the wrong building to hide against because it pointed me out. But I couldn’t move anyway. To move would be to expose myself.

I stayed close to the wall, trying to become one with it, as the voices I heard were from two people. A man and a woman. They seemed to be walking back from a party or a club and were taking a shortcut. The town is relatively safe. People get ambushed, but it is a rare occurrence, and whenever it happens, James had been very adept at fishing out the culprit. Everyone knew they would be caught, so they didn’t do it.

He kept the town safe. How could a man who did so much good, a man who the whole community loved, who they looked on as their savior, also be the same one selling children? It was hard to reconcile the two. So hard that there are moments when I think I must have misheard him. They must have been talking about something else. A raw material, some kind of electronics. Just about any other thing.

But it was all just wishful thinking. I heard them clear as day. They were trafficking kids. There were bigger questions haunting me, though. What were they trafficking the kids for? What are they using the kids for, and how many have they gotten so far?

I watched as the couple walked up the street and held my breath, praying neither of them looked back because if they did, they would see me. They didn’t look like they were on the lookout for someone, so maybe the word wasn’t out yet. Maybe I still have time to make it out of town before Vipers has the town on lockdown.

The couple walked on, and they got to the top of the street without looking back at me. I sighed and moved to walk away from the building when I heard the growl behind me. In my anxious state, I hadn’t smelled the dog. But now that I heard its growl, the muskiness of its fur filled my nose. It was right behind me and not on a leash, waiting to charge.

I growled back at it as gently as I could and glowed my eyes. It stopped growling and considered me for a moment, gauging to see if I was a friend or foe. It picked foe and dashed at me.

Thankfully it didn’t bark.

I was ready for it. I stood my ground and growled louder at it. It stopped halfway, but I saw a light come on in the house. The occupant was awake.

I stepped away from the dog, one step at a time, so I didn’t startle. It kept its eyes on me but didn’t move and stopped growling. As I got back to the front of the house, the front door opened, and a man came out. He stared at me, his eyes going wild.

“Who the hell are you?” he asked. “Rico!” he yelled.

I guessed that was the name of the dog. Rico didn’t move and didn’t answer. He just kept his eyes on me.

“Sorry,” I told him and walked back to the road. I got to the road, and the dog dashed forward again, but it didn’t come for me. It went for his owner instead, and together they stood by the porch and watched me.

I walked away from them and down the road, taking a turn into a new street, my quarry just down the road.

I sighed.

The man was human, so I was probably safe. But I wouldn’t be safe from humans and wolves alike once it is morning. It wouldn’t just be the wolf after me, it would be the police, too, and then I would become a fugitive.
