Page 6 of Heart Broken Mate

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I was also eager to see a lone wolf. I’ve never met one before. I don’t know what to expect when I see one. Do they have like a sort of tag on them that you’ll use to identify them as lone wolves?

That was a silly thought. They probably will look like any other werewolf.

“Are they powerful?” I asked. “As powerful as us, seeing we share our powers as a pack?”

I wish I don’t share my power, though. I don’t want to share power with Viper and his friends. They are a bunch of assholes, but there was nothing I could do about that.

“I don’t think they are,” James said. “I fought a lone wolf once in a bar. He made a move at the girl I was with. I beat his ass easily, but he was drunk. I was drunk too, so maybe fair fight. If you become a lone wolf, Hayley, seeing how strong you are, do you think you will be more powerful than the others in this pack?”

I looked at the others as they eyed me, waiting for the answer. I know the answer; they know the answer.

“Yes, I do.”

They all threw me a dirty look. The truth is a bitter pill.

“So, I think you have your answer. Now, there’s no need to return here once it is done. I won’t be in the Palace. I have a meeting with some stakeholders later in the day. So, we’ll meet tomorrow, and no one better come late,” James said with a grin and winked at me. “One more thing. If they put up a fight, you are authorized to use force. As maximal as possible.”

We all looked at each and knew that was a bit unusual. James wanted them out by all means.

“Do you understand?” he asked.

“Yes,” they all said.

What he said was a euphemism for ‘you can kill them.’

“You can go,” he told us.

We started to head out, but on our way out, he called us back.

“Hayley, you’re in charge of the mission,” he said.

“What?” Viper and I said.

James shrugged. “Viper is getting too comfortable in his position. Maybe the prospect of someone knocking him off his pedestal will make him sit up and take notice. Clean yourself up, Viper. You’re still bleeding from the claw wound.”

As we walked out of the throne room, Viper threw me a look that could cause me to burst into flame.

“This isn’t over dirt rag,” he told me. “It is far from over.”

“We leave in two hours,” I said, ignoring him. “Be ready, and don’t be late.”

I still couldn’t get away from that feeling that something bad was coming. I looked at my pack members and wondered if it was going to be one of them.

Chapter three (Hayley)

When I got to the usual meeting point, as expected, Viper wasn’t there. There were others waiting for me, though. I counted five of them, all of whom weren’t part of Viper’s little clique but who knew enough not to get too close to me because when Viper becomes the alpha, he might get petty and exclude them, and deny them political positions. Everyone was looking out for themselves, and I couldn’t blame them. The game is the game.

I walked to one of them, a boy called Ilad. He was one of the first people that made me feel a little welcome in the group when I initially joined. He was a very reticent boy, kept mostly to himself, but he had a peculiar set of talents. He was good at gathering information. He has a small body, making him able to fit into places that no other kind of adult should. He can stay quiet for a very long time that you almost would forget he was in the room with you, and then you start to say things you shouldn’t say with him around.

He always has some new information for me, but I can’t call him my friend. I liked him, though. He would be the first person I save should anything terrible happen to the pack.

“Hey, Ilad, how are you?’ I asked and stood beside him as we all waited for Viper and his clique.

I knew Viper was late because he was trying to get on my nerves, and James making me the leader, for the time being, couldn’t have rubbed off him nicely at all. He would have felt slighted byit, and I am sure he would be coming for some sort of revenge. I had to prepare.

“I am fine, Hayley,” Ilad said in this thin voice. The boy has always looked frail, but I knew that was just a front. He is strong and skillful. People say he came from an academy that trained werewolves to be spies. I wasn’t sure that was true, but Ilad would never offer anything up about his past. In that aspect, he was just like me.

“You know I might need your help later,” I told him.
