Page 78 of Heart Broken Mate

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‘Yes, there’s that.”

Luke never really trusted Ilad. He thinks he is playing the two armies against each other, and his quiet nature is very suspicious. No one should be able to move like a ghost, he’d said, but we’ve seen the lost tribe move like that before. Werewolves whose survival had been based on how well they could hide have evolved to move silently and camouflage themselves in broad daylight.

“I trust Ilad,” I told him. “I trust him with my life, and I’ll trust him with yours. Do you trust me?”

“You know I do.”

“Good. Let’s find these clans then and convince them to fight for us.

“We’ll have to talk to Bonne about it first, though.”

“Yeah, let’s talk to Bonne.”

He pulled me closer to himself again, and I was resting against his chest until it got dark, and through the clearing, we could see the stars coming up.

“Let’s go back,” he suggested, but I shook my head. I wasn’t ready to go back to people. I wanted to be here a while longer.

“Stay with me. Let’s watch the stars.”

“Okay,” he said. “Let me get something we can lay on the ground, though.”

He left, and I counted the seconds until he returned. He came back with a mat and set it on the ground. He laid down first and pulled me to himself.

There was a half-moon in the sky, so the stars weren’t so clear, but when we glowed our eyes, the night got brighter, and so did the stars.

“You’ve never told me about what it was like for you growing up,” he said. “I know a lot about you, but I don’t know that.”

“I don’t like talking about it much,” I said and ran my finger around his chest, slowly unbuttoning the shirt to reveal his hairy chest.

“I figured. But you should talk to me about anything.”

“Yes, I should,” I said and looked at the stars.

I told him then about the night the Tarloux knocked down my parent’s door, looking for the stone. They thought they had it. They killed my father and my mother, but I managed to escape with my mother sacrificing herself.

I had to run through an apartment and went as fast as my feet could take me. I ran until it was morning; by that time, I had no idea where I was. I wouldn’t get to Nillport for three more months, and during those three months, I almost got picked up by the police twice, but I evaded them and just continued west with had no idea why, but it seemed right to me. When I got to Nillport, I stopped, and it felt like the right place to be. There was no reason to keep traveling anymore. I was home to roost.

Surviving on the streets of Nillport was a tough job, and there were days when I thought I was going to die, Days when I wouldget so hungry and go search through the trash to find something to eat. That was before I learned to pickpocket. I got into a lot of trouble with bullies but handled them when I turned, and a while after that, James found me. He saved me from the streets.

“I still remember the night it happened. There were police vans that went around picking up kids that were below eighteen on the streets, and they took them to foster homes. We’d heard about those places, and they were a nightmare. But I think the werewolves amongst those kids picked up would have preferred the foster homes to getting sold to the Tarloux. Anyway, one of those vans was picking kids up that night, and we were all running. I had a policeman on my tail, but he was no match for me. I was faster than him.”

I looked back at the police, who was struggling to keep up and knew he wouldn’t get me, but they used to have them scattered all around, so I could bump into another at any time. I pulled myself up a ledge and to the other side of a bridge, looking to find a place to hide. Before I could, I bumped into a man who stepped out of the dark. I didn’t even see him. I thought he was a policeman, so I decided to fight him. I moved swiftly and tried to get underneath him. He moved down and stopped my movement with just one hand, and he looked at me, shocked.

“You’re a werewolf,” he said.

I didn’t answer him. I tried to get away again and could hear voices getting closer to me. The police behind me were beginning to catch up with me. I punched at the man, but he pinned me to a wall, camouflaging us with the darkness. It was the same wall he had stepped out from earlier. He put a hand on my lips, and I was very quiet as the cop walked past me andheaded in the opposite direction. When the cop was gone, he let go of me.

“Don’t run,” he said and glowed his eyes at me, showing me he was a werewolf too. I didn’t know why, but I glowed mine right back at him, and he smiled at me.

“You’re too young,” he said. “You couldn’t have ascended.”

“I’m eleven, I told him, and he looked at me with renewed interest,

“Come with me,” he said and led me away to the Palace. That was the beginning of a new life for me.

I turned away from the stars and looked at Luke.

“I used to think back to that day and imagine myself lucky to have been found by James. But the real luck was me ascending early. If I hadn’t, he would have taken me to the van, and I would have been shipped off to the Tarloux.”
