Page 81 of Heart Broken Mate

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“What’s here?” I asked, pointing at some drawings on the map that looked like ridges.

“They are valleys,” Bonne said. “They separate this high ground from that.”

“How far apart are they?” I asked.

“What are you thinking?” Luke asked me.

“A way to break the Tarloux forces even further. We need them thinned out as much as possible. I can see there is a way to get to the other side of the valley by going around it. But can one jump?”

“Yes,” Bonne said. “You can jump. But you’ll have to change.”

“We can’t use the stone when we change,” Luke said, putting a dent in my plan.

I sighed and pushed the map.

“It would have been a brilliant plan if you still had the stone with you. But to make our plan work, we need you to be far from the stone to begin with. I want them to sense that it isn’t with you and think you’re vulnerable.” Bonne said

“Alright, we stick to your plan,” I said.

“Good. Let’s all go prepare our men. We attack at the stroke of midnight. The war to put an end to all other wars!” Bonne yelled and howled.

His howling was so loud that it reverberated through the camp. Then someone howled back in the reply, and soon the whole camp was howling. We were ready for war.

Chapter thirty-eight (Luke)

There was a world separate from the one we were in currently. Beyond our tents, there were men going around, anxiety perched on their faces, hitting each other on the shoulder and encouraging themselves to prepare for war. But, in here, there was only bliss. There was just me with Hayley. She was wrapped around me, and I was inside her, stroking in and out and looking into her eyes, loving every moment of it. I touched her on the cheeks as she moaned gently and bit down on her lips. Over time now, I have come to know every part of her, every inch of her body I have come to learn and memorize. I knew what would spark her on, what would keep her on the path, and how to tip her over and have a flush with the highest peak of pleasure. I knew how to make her feel heavenly, and in turn, she makes me feel heavenly.

This is love. This is what I wanted. It is what I had wanted from the first time I set my eyes on her. I might have fought myself from going for it and pretended not to know why I was so intent on going after her, but this was it all along.

This moment made everything all make sense.

I kissed her hard on the lips and sneaked my tongue into her mouth, she welcomed it, and it found a home there. She opened her eyes and looked at me, reaching up to touch my face.

“I love you,” I told her as I stroked into her again, and she shut her eyes, pleasure flooding through her and biting her lips, catching her halfway through her reply. She didn’t talk again as Ilifted her and placed her against the wall, her inner warmth and sleekness holding me tight. I ran my finger around her nipples as we both attained a tempo and a rhythm. We got it soon enough, and her moans were soon regularized, and she became short of breath.

We made love like we weren’t ever going to get a chance to make love again, and it was absolutely blissful. I felt alive, my whole body was perked up in want and passion, and it seemed like it would never be fulfilled. I was on a rush, and I held on to her to keep myself steady. I pushed myself closer to climax, and she responded by slapping her body against mine. We went it with animalistic fervor, and the hunger in us could only be fulfilled when we both finally climaxed, and Hayley’s moan broke out and must have filled the whole woods.

We both calmed down and fell back to the floor. We were satiated and now simply just enjoying each other’s presence.

“I love you,” she said finally, kissing me again, and snuggled closer to me, almost like she wanted to mesh into one with me. I loved it and kept stroking her cheeks.

“It is almost time,” I said.

“We’ll be together. We’ll fight together. We’ll finish this together. It started with us, and it’ll end with us.”

Before I could give a reply to that, the alarm went off, signaling it was twelve midnight and time to lead the attack. I stood up and threw Hayley’s clothes at her. We both got dressed hurriedly and walked out of the tent, walking past men who were hurrying about to make it to their stations.

While we were making love like rabbits, Bonne had been busy making everyone ready. Hayley and I walked to the west of the camp, and our army was there waiting for us. They were all gathered together; to the left were Gork men, who were aggressive naturally, and it was hard to keep them collected the way they were now. Some of Patel’s men in blue and gold uniforms were beside them. They all held a spear because they believed it was easier to fight with a weapon against men who had no weapons. I wasn’t going to argue for or against the logic. They just needed to do a good job of fighting the Tarloux. Beside Patel’s men were other soldiers whose crests and leaders I didn’t recognize. Most of them were Patel’s family men, and some were just families that heard we were going up against the Tarloux and wanted to help. Beside them were Timothy and some of his ranks. He would be leading with us. When he saw me, he smiled. A pedestal had been made for Hayley and me in front, and I walked to it. I needed to stir them up and get them ready.

I walked past the soldiers with Hayley beside me, and I realized this was the way it would be forever. Hayley would forever be beside me once this war was over. It made me smile because it was the perfect thing. I got to the front and stood on the pedestal, which made it easier to see the forces I’d be commanding. We are the ones taking the fight to the Tarloux, The largest force. To the far end, I could finally see the lone wolves. They were my own family, and I nodded at them subtly. They nodded back. Seeing them was a boost to my confidence.

I looked at the men before me. They all looked anxious, which was expected, but I couldn’t pick out anyone that looked scared. That was a good thing.

“When we go out there to fight,” I told them. My voice wasn’t loud but carried well. I knew even those at the back would hearme clearly, which was what I wanted. “When you get out there, remember you’re not fighting just for yourself!”

They growled, but it was subtle, and only a portion of Patel’s men were growling. The Gork looked bored. They wanted to fight, and they wanted to fight now!

“Remember, you’re not fighting for your glory. You are fighting so you can live!”
