Page 9 of Heart Broken Mate

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Get it together, Hayley.

Yes, he was dashing, and there was this dark look about him that I wanted to step into and be a part of, but I had to remain in control.

“I want what my Alpha wants,” I said.

“Hmm,” Luke said. “Well, we can’t give you that. We’ve made a home here, and we’ve done nothing wrong. If James wants topush us out, then he better come down from his lofty throne and do it himself. Short of that, we’re not going anyway.”

“We have orders to make you leave by force,” I told him.

Luke smiled at me. He had a perfect set of teeth, and after smiling, he bit down on his lips as though he was welcoming that idea. I felt like I would give anything at that moment to bite down on those lips. I made myself stand straight up so I would appear taller than I was. It was supposed to help me get back in control.

I wasn’t sure it was working.

“And how are you doing to do that?” Luke asked.

I looked behind her, and by cue, my pack moved closer to me. They all had their claws extended and glowing eyes, ready to fight.

Luke looked at them all and then looked at his own group behind him. They stepped forward, showing me they had no intention of stepping down and leaving without a fight.

“There are rules,” Luke said. “It is what keeps a community. I am beholden to those rules and so also is the supposed leader of the community. No one here has broken any of those rules, and no one here would leave. If you would, however, go against those rules and insist we leave, then you’ll have to contend with us. Do you want to do that, Hayley?”

Before I could stop myself, I said it. “No, I don’t,” I said and gasped. There was no taking it back. The others behind me gasped, too, and looked at each other, wondering what I was doing.

All the while, as Luke was talking, there was a well of emotions and wants building up behind me, and with those words, I let those emotions off. I couldn’t control them anymore.

“What I want is you,” I continued. “I don’t understand it. It makes no sense to me, but I can’t help it. I feel this tugging need to be with you. I don’t know.”

I stepped closer to him; that force was still pulling me. Luke looked at me like I was going crazy and stepped back. He looked at his group, who looked just as confused as everyone else in the opening.

“I think you should leave,” Luke told me. “I think you should go and get your head straight. We’ll be here. We are not leaving.”

Luke led the rest of the group into their RV homes, leaving me standing there with my hands at my side, feeling very stupid. He just rejected me.

I had felt something terrible was going to happen, but I couldn’t have guessed it would have been something of this nature.

I couldn’t even turn around to look at my pack.

What just happened? That was the question running through my mind.

“What the hell is wrong with you, Hayley?” I heard Viper say but didn’t pay him any mind. “I knew you were a mosh head, but I didn’t think you were this stupid. James puts you in charge once, and you make a fool of yourself. Way to go!”

I stood there, affixed to the ground, as I heard the others turn around and leave. I really did blow it.

Chapter four(Hayley)

I lay quietly in my room, staring at the ceiling. It was bare white, and there were no intricate patterns for me to focus on, but it still served as a distraction. The blankness of the ceiling was the opposite of my thoughts. They were rushing like a roaring river. A thousand and one things at a time were trying to get my attention, and I couldn’t focus on any. It was a disaster. I was a disaster.

What the hell have I done?

The first time I got put in charge, I blew it up. I didn’t just blow it; I propositioned our opposition. It was unheard of. I still couldn’t wrap my fingers around it. Strangely enough, I don’t regret my action. If it happened a thousand times and more, I would do the same thing.

What eluded me was why?

Why do I feel this strong attraction to a man I didn’t even know existed at the beginning of the day?

Granted, he was extremely good-looking, but appearance alone wasn’t enough explanation for what I was feeling. I felt the attraction so deep inside me; it felt like it was supernatural.

It feels almost like we are fated.
