Page 27 of Heart of Gold

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I squeeze Bentley’s hand as he tenses beside me. “I’m sorry. I’ve been so busy with the preparations, but it was worth it because today has been amazing. Come and see,” I urge, brushing past them into the shop.

“Is this one of your jewelry items?” my mother asks, plucking a bracelet from one of the displays.

“Yes, it’s a silver—”

“It’s not my style, but I suppose it will sell,” she cuts across me.

“What do you think of the shop? It’s the first time you’ve seen it,” Callum asks, closing and locking the door after the last customer and moving toward us.

“It’s quaint,” my father replies, speaking for the first time. “I’m proud of you, Gemma. You’ve done a great job here.”

The warm glow from his praise evaporates with my mother’s next words.

“Tinkering with metal will never give you financial security,” she comments acerbically.

My mother’s gaze moves to Bentley, and she indicates the two framed drawings on the walls. “I see you took advantage of my daughter to get some of your artwork on display.”

Irritation churns in my stomach. “That wasn’t Bentley’s idea. I asked him for those drawings of the town square when I saw them in his apartment. I knew they’d be perfect in here.”

“When you saw them in his apartment? I see.” She sniffs disdainfully, still glaring at Bentley. “I know you came from nothing, but I didn’t realize quite how calculating you are. Using Gemma’s business venture to gain exposure for your artwork. It’s not enough that you ruined my son’s career, but you’re now interfering in my daughter’s.”

I clench my hands into fists as I hiss, “That’s enough! You have no idea what Bentley is like because you never took the time to get to know him. The only thing he’s done is help me, which is more than I can say for you both.”

My mother shakes her head. “I’m worried about you, Gemma.”

Okay, I wasn’t expecting that one. “Why?”

“Because you’re not behaving like the Gemma I know.”

“No.” I shake my head. “You don’t get to turn this on me. You’re not worried about me. You’re worried about how this reflects on you and your precious image.”

Mother takes a step toward me. “Gemma Stone, I won’t let you waste your education on some pipe dream.”

“Look around you, Mother. This isn’t a pipe dream. It’smydream, and I’ve made it a reality without your help and approval.” I pause to suck in an angry breath. “And that’s the problem, isn’t it? I don’t need you. Callum doesn’t need you. We’ve forged a path that doesn’t include the family business you care about more than your own kids!”

The crack of my mother’s palm against my face reverberates around the empty shop.



Callum and my father’s shouts echo in unison. Bentley growls, actuallygrowls, as he takes a step toward her. I grab his arm, stilling him. I know he’d never raise his hand to a woman, but I can feel the anger rolling off him in waves.

My mother’s hands fly to her mouth. Her eyes widen in shock, and she shakes her head as if denying what she’s just done. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean …” She trails off as a tear trickles down her cheek.

Bentley turns to me, his expression concerned as he gently probes my throbbing cheek. “You okay, sweetheart?”

“Physically, yes,” I say, my throat tight with unshed tears.Emotionally? Not so much.

Bentley turns back to my mother, who’s now standing by my father, his arm around her shoulder. Bentley’s eyes are colder than I’ve ever seen them. “If you ever lay a finger on her again, I swear to God, I’ll have you arrested and thrown in jail for assault.”

Bentley’s voice is eerily calm as he stares holes in my mother, who blanches under his barely-contained fury. “You can say and think whatever the fuck you want about me, but don’t ever demean your daughter that way. You should be proud of all she’s achieved. Everything in this shop is a part of her. Her heart and soul are in these four walls, in every detail and handcrafted piece,” he says, waving a hand around us.

My mother opens her mouth to speak, but Bentley’s not done. “I feel sorry for you because you have no idea how big her heart is. Did you know she plans to run workshops for underprivileged kids in the area so they have a safe place where they can pour their fears and hopes and pain into making something beautiful? So she can encourage them the way she encouraged me to pursue their dreams and provide an outlet for emotions they can’t name or won’t discuss? Do you know she worked day and night to make this place a reality, to push herself to share her vision with the world, expressed as it was in gemstones and silver and gold? Don’t you see her,reallysee her, in her art?”

My heart almost explodes at Bentley’s words. If I didn’t already know he loved me, I do now.

“How dare you preach to us about our daughter?” Mother snaps, regaining her composure. “You may think you’re some high and mighty artist now, but you’re still the good-for-nothing,ungrateful boy who cost our son his career.” Her face twists into an ugly grimace. “You should’ve stayed away. That was the deal.”
