Page 32 of Heart of Gold

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The university offered Bentley an extended tenure until the end of the academic year, and then he’ll decide what comes next. Lecturing at the university is relatively stress-free, and he gets plenty of time for his art, which keeps him fulfilled and on an even keel. It’s more than merely putting pencil to paper for him; it’s his therapy and what got him through some tough times.

Bentley leads me through the foyer and into the university art studio, where his gallery of work has been set up. We’re here early, so he can show me the finished drawing before anyone else arrives.

My nerves jangle as we enter, and I smooth my sweaty palms down my white slacks, which I teamed with the multi-colored cashmere sweater Bentley gave me as a Valentine’s gift. I’m also wearing the sexy lingerie he bought me, but no one gets to see that except him.

Bentley steps behind me, placing his hands over my eyes. “Keep these closed. No peeking until I say.” His voice is a rumble next to my ear, causing goosebumps to break out over my neck and shoulder.

I squeeze my eyes shut, and Bentley wraps his arms around me, walking me forward and getting me into position.

“Okay. Open your eyes.”

It takes a moment for my brain to process what I’m seeing. A breathtaking display of work is laid before me, and the stand next to it says,Gemma: A muse through the years.

I falter, moving among the display as if in a dream. I see myself in different forms and formats, from pencil on the margins of school-ruled paper to charcoals, pastels, and paint. Images of me as a girl, a moody teenager, a woman, an artist, and a lover.A tempest, in a dream, in his imagination, and finally, the life drawing that re-ignited it all.

He's captured me after that first kiss we shared in the studio, and I look … beautiful. This is how he sees me. My eyes are sultry, my mouth is swollen, and my cheeks are flushed as I gaze beyond the viewer at my lover. The sweep of my neck, the curve of my shoulder, and my necklace nestled in the swell of my breasts while the silk sheet hints at my generous curves beneath.

The piece is titledPriceless Gem.

At this point, I almost break down and start bawling. The entire display is a love story, beautifully mapped out over the years.

At the end of the gallery walk, I see Bentley’s words in boldface print on a piece of framed parchment. It’s an explanation of his work and the inspiration behind it. It tells of the girl he’s loved all his life, the muse who saw his soul when he thought he had no soul, the woman who revitalized his imagination and loved him when he thought himself so unworthy, the woman who taught him that love is a choice and happiness is within reach—if only one were brave enough to reach out and claim it. And finally, how he realized that he only needs to be worthy and deserving in the eyes of two people—himself and the woman he loves. Me.

When I turn, he’s there, watching me, waiting for me. I go to him, pulling his head down and claiming his mouth, pouring every ounce of love I have for this man into my kiss.

“I’ve loved you for so long, Gem,” he says gruffly, cupping my face and wiping the tears from my cheeks with his thumbs. “You were with me every day of every year, and I was a fucking fool to stay away for so long.”

He drops to one knee, pulling a velvet box from his trousers pocket. “I will never leave you again. I’m yours, Gem, every part of me, the good bits and the bad. Gemma Stone, will you marry me?”

He opens the box to reveal an emerald gemstone set in an eighteen-carat gold ring. It’s perfect. It’s us.

More tears spill down my cheeks as I nod. “Yes, I’ll marry you, Bentley Cormack, just as soon as you like.”

Bentley slips the ring on my finger, bending forward to kiss it before rising to his feet. He wraps me in his arms, and his mouth finds mine, sealing our future with a kiss.

You can read more stories from the small town of Garland:

Natasha and Link’s story: Claiming Valentine

Daisy and Drayton’s story: Claiming Daisy

Jessica and Connor’s story: Claiming Christmas.

Keep reading for a sneak peek of Tarnished, the first book in my Silver Springs Series.

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I've been in love with Asher for as long as I can remember.

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