Page 4 of Heart of Gold

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I love Cordy. She’s a sweetheart and always so upbeat and positive.

Tabitha:We always mope on Valentine's Day.

Tabitha’s not wrong. None of us are in a relationship, and it’s no secret that Valentine’s Day sucks if you’re single.

Cleary:It’s our thing.

Devyn:It's why we have wine.

Me:You have wine. I’ll stick to my chocolate liqueurs. Booze and chocolate without the hangover.

I add an emoji with its tongue out.

Mandy:And cake! Cake is a must!

Peyton:Don’t forget book boyfriends. They help ease the ache, lol.

Cleary:Especially when paired with “the rose.”

I still need to find out what all the fuss is about with this “rose.”

Cordy:I have an idea.

I can almost hear the collective groan of our group and snigger at Peyton’s next comment.

Peyton:Wait up. I just need to grab a flak jacket.

Me:Oh, lord! Last time you had an idea, we almost got arrested. And I never did find my inflatable dolphin.

I loved that dolphin.

Devyn:That was the night I came home with one shoe. Your dolphin’s probably with my lost sparkly stiletto.

Mandy:Rum and I broke up after the last time we all got together. I can’t see a bottle without feeling a little nauseous.

It’s true. It was messy.

Peyton:See? That’s why I keep my nose buried in a book. You girls are dangerous.

Cordy:I'm not that bad.

Cleary:YES, YOU ARE!

Peyton:Cordy, I love you, but you are on a whole other level.

Cleary:Peyton’s not wrong, sweets. You should come with a special kind of warning label.

Cordy:ANYWAY. I think we should make a pact.

I frown, wondering what Corey has in mind.

Mandy:What kind of pact?

Me:This better not require a blood sacrifice.

Cordy:We're all spending Valentine's Day doing something we'd never do.

Something we’d never do? In my case, that’s a list as long as my arm.
