Page 22 of Stripe Left

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“No. They didn’t hurt me. They had their witch knock me out. She’s holding me hostage in my old bedroom, but her magic is waning. I can see that her illusion spell is starting to fade. I don’t think she realizes how much of her energy she’s using to keep up her ruse.”

“What do you think I am? Your dog? I don’t fucking think so,” the witch snarled at her.

Allie stood, getting more pissed off by the second. “Look, you can either get my parents, or you can take me to them. I’m done fucking around with all of you.” If she could push the witch just a little harder and sap the rest of her magic, she’d be home free with no one the wiser to her plans.

“Sit down and shut up before I make you take another nap, honey. You don’t want to get on my bad side,” the witch said.

“You mean you have a good side?” Allie snarked.

The witch stood and closed the distance between her and Allie. “I’ve been nice so far. Don’t make me hurt you because I will.”

“Ohhh. I’m so scared,” Allie teased.

The witch’s magic flickered. “I’m not kidding. This is your final warning. Sit down and shut up before I sit you down and shut you up.”

“Please. What the fuck are you going to do? You realize I’m a full-grown tiger, right?”

“And I’m a full-grown witch. I’ll have no problem dropping your ass like I did earlier.” The witch pulled her wand from her pocket and aimed it directly at Allie’s head.

“Fine, go for it. Do you think you can take me out? But just know now that you better hope like fuck that you can run faster than me in tiger form if you miss because I will kill you,” Allie growled. She flashed her fangs, proving she wasn’t fucking around.

The witch flicked her wrist, and a flash of energy shot out at Allie, which she quickly sidestepped, dodging the deadly magic. The witch followed up with another blast of magic, and once again, Allie was easily slid out of the way. The blasts of magic landed against the wall, leaving large, charred circles on the wallpaper.

“Your aim sucks.” Allie laughed, taunting the witch. Allie bit back a smile as the witch’s magic flickered again. Her plan was working.

“You little bitch!” she screeched and fired off two more bolts of magic in rapid succession.

Allie dodged the first, but the witch had anticipated her moves this time, and the second bolt grazed her right shoulder, causing her to wince in pain. The pain pissed her off even more than she had already been. She was done with the situation. She was done with being held against her will and absolutely done with her parents trying to force their choices on her life.

“Is that all you got?” Allie seethed at the woman.

“Just a little longer,”she told her tiger.“Be ready. She’s about to use up the rest of her magic. Then that bitch is ours.”

The sooner, the better,her animal replied.

“Your parents are going to be pissed when they come home and find you dead, but I don’t even care at this point. They paid in advance.” The witch raised her wand again and pointed it directly at Allie’s heart.

“It’s now or never,”Allie told her tiger.

I’m ready!

She saw the witch’s magic flicker once again, and that’s when Allie struck. She willed her beast forward, but only barely, just enough to turn her fingers into claws. Feeling the snap of the bones in her hands, she smiled at the witch.

“Yes. They will be pissed when they come home and find you dead.”

She struck the witch quickly and hard, slashing her carotid wide open. Blood splattered against her bright pink bedroom walls, making it look like a scene from a horror movie.

By the time the witch knew what was about to happen, she was already on the floor, gagging on her own blood.

Allie didn’t feel a single ounce of remorse. Why should she when the woman her parents had hired had been nothing short of evil and sadistic?



Marc felt a sharp pain slice through his arm. His heart hammered. At first, he thought it was fear that was causing his heart to pound, but it wasn’t. It was pure adrenaline. He quickly realized that it wasn’t his pain or adrenaline but that of his mate.

“Allie, baby. Are you okay? What happened?”he asked her through the mating connection.

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