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“When? How?” Tears finally broke through and streamed down her cheeks. “I thought once we got you and Kenn securely together we’d somehow be magically transported back to our book. Just like we were magically transported here. But look at me, I’m still stuck in this God forsaken place.”

Alex gasped and grabbed JJ’s hand. “I’m so sorry. You know I didn’t mean that. You’ve been a wonderful friend.”

She wasn’t sure how to handle the situation. It’s not like she was an expert in comforting fictional characters trapped in the real world. Though, on second thought, she probably was the one author who had the most experience.

She pushed those errant thoughts from her head and refocused on Alex’s obvious pain.

“I know you didn’t mean it. And you know what? It’s okay even if you did.”

JJ placed her hand over Alex’s. “It’s not your home. I understand your frustration and your loneliness. Trust me, I never thought you and Blake would be here this long, either.”

Even though they had frustrated her initially, the thought of living in her world without them saddened her. She had come to love them. She appreciated their enthusiasm and their concern for her wellbeing. And she even grew to love and appreciate Blake’s humor.What would life be like without them?

As if on cue, Blake bounced in, carrying a tray with three cups of freshly brewed coffee. His broad smile faded when he saw Alex.

Hastily, he looked at the desk, obviously searching for an empty spot to put the tray. Between the box for the manuscript and other papers there was no room. Sensing his dilemma, JJ jumped up and moved the box to the credenza behind her desk.

Blake laid the tray down and hurried over to Alex.

“I want to go home. I want to go home, now,” she pleaded.

JJ picked up two of the cups and quickly handed one to Alex.

“Here, hon. Maybe this will help.”

“This one’s for you, Blake.”

He took the cup but kept one arm tenderly around her shoulders. “Love, we’ll get back, I promise. I know I haven’t been able to make it happen yet, but, I promise, I’ll find a way.”

Alex looked into his eyes. JJ wondered what she was thinking. Then with a slight smile, she thought, I know how I would script this scene.Alex gazed into his brown eyes and saw the soul within the man. In those kind eyes, she saw a man who enjoyed every moment of life, who laughed heartily, loved fiercely. A man who would die for her. She saw the one and only man she would ever love.

Alex spoke slowly, trying hard to control her sobs. “You’ve been so wonderful. You’ve tried everything. It’s not your fault. There’s a missing puzzle piece that we just can’t seem to find yet.” She paused. “And it’s infuriating.”

She decided her help wasn’t needed at the moment, so she returned to her task. She was ready to print the final chapter of the book.

JJ hit the print button on the computer and took a sip of coffee while the printer did its thing.

When the printer stopped, she placed the cup on the tray, retrieved the pages, and arranged them in its proper place in the manuscript. Finally, every page was printed. She sighed contently as she closed the box.

“The novel is officially completed.” JJ glanced at Alex and Blake, but they were engaged in their own problem. She pulled the email up and hit the send button.

“Your love story to be exact,” she further explained as she turned to look at them again. But the fictional characters were gone. The loveseat was empty.

“That’s odd.”

“What is?” She looked up to see Kenn leaning against the doorjamb, one leg casually crossed over the other. He held two cups, one bright yellow, the other cobalt blue.

She glanced at the desk. It held no tray or coffee cups.

“There was a tray…” She stopped in midsentence. She looked at the loveseat, again. It was still empty. Slowly she smiled, then everything clicked. So that really was their mission here, she thought. To make sure I began living my own life. Silently she congratulated them. She broke into laughter.

“What’s so funny?” He walked into the room, offering her the yellow cup. “French roast coffee, sweetheart. Your favorite.”

She took the cup, inhaled the marvelous aroma. “I always get a little giddy when I complete a novel, that’s all. There’s a part of me that just can’t believe my good fortune.”

“Good fortune, bull,” Kenn said. “You’ve got talent, both as a historian and a romance author. And I’m the luckiest guy in the world to have you in my life.”

His eyes pierced her soul. Her knees buckled.

“Congratulations, sweetheart. I propose a toast.”

They both held their cups up. “To happily ever after.”

Clanking their mugs, she repeated, “To happily ever after.”
