Page 12 of Dating the Boss

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I would love to work in an office setting again. I’d still been looking to see if any new jobs had been posted, but there were none. I didn’t want to work at this hotel forever. This wasn’t the job for me.

“I’ll find a job I like again eventually. Until then, I’m stuck here. End of story.”

He laid my foot down and inched his way up to me on the bed. “Have you ever thought about going back to school?”

I laughed. At my age, college would be almost impossible. “No. Never thought of it. Not something I’m interested in.”

Ten years ago maybe, but now, it wouldn’t be a good decision. I don’t need to put myself in any more debt. That was the last thing I needed right now.

He kissed me on the cheek. “Okay, you should probably go clock out now. I’ll see you later for dinner. You still up for it?”

I stayed quiet for a minute because I was exhausted and honestly just wanted to go to bed. “Yeah, let’s go. Home at a decent hour though. Sleep is calling my name.”

“No problem. Just dinner then. See you around six,” he called out as I exited his hotel room.

What would happen if the girls found out I was dating someone who stayed here? I would probably be taken off his room. I didn’t want that because that was a break that I needed. Plus, I got to see him. The girls didn’t need to know just yet.

I clocked out and headed straight home to take a bath before our dinner date. I soaked for a good hour before my alarm went off to tell me it was time to get ready. I wrapped a towel around myself and headed for my closet. What should I wear? I thumbed through some hangers and came across a lilac dress. Perfect. It wasn’t too casual but not too dressy. Something comfortable would be best. Next, I pulled out my white flats. No heels tonight; my feet needed a break. When the doorbell rang, I realized I completely forgot to dry my hair.

“Come in. Sorry, I just need to dry my hair.”

He followed me inside and smiled. “You still look beautiful.”

My hair dryer turned all the way up, blasting toward my hair, I dried it as quickly as I could. Maybe it was time to cut my hair. I’d always had semi-long hair. I’d never had the courage to cut it shorter.

“Okay, I think I’m ready now. Sorry, my hair is a pain to get dry.”

He smiled again, kissed me on the cheek, and said, “Don’t ever be sorry for getting ready. I’m not in a hurry. Take your time.”

He was such a gentleman and very supportive. When I first met him, this was not how I pictured him to be.

“Shall we?” he said, extending his hand to mine.

I took it and followed him to the car, where he opened the door for me and shut it. The ride over was short, and I was proud. He finally picked a restaurant I could actually afford. Loreno’s. It was an Italian restaurant, but not overly expensive. My brother and I usually came here when he was in town to visit.

“Have you ever been here? They have great cuisine.”

“Nope, but I figured since you had mentioned it before, I would try it with you.”

We got our table and enjoyed our garlic knots. The contrast between butter and garlic was perfect. One thing to know about me, I loved garlic. The first couple of dates went great, but after that he started to understand that I wanted to go to places on my level. He shouldn’t be the only one paying for things. Tonight, I would be able to pay for dinner.

“So, are you seeing anyone else?” Alexander asked.

Did he think I was seeing someone else? How could I possibly have time? I’m either with him or at work. “Nope.”

“Good. Me either. So, are we exclusive? Isn’t that what kids are calling it these days?”

I couldn’t help but burst out laughing. He wanted me to be his girlfriend, officially. “Yes, and poor you. You sure you want to be stuck with me?” Sarcastic me was making an appearance.

“I want to be stuck with you even though you’re quite a handful.”

Dinner arrived, and we indulged ourselves in the fine meal that was served. Not much was said during dinner, but it wasn’tawkward silence. Glances were made toward each other, big smiles, and a couple of laughs when I took too big of a bite.

Afterwards, he took me home and walked me to my door like a proper gentleman. Man, was I lucky.

“Thanks for dinner. You were right. I’m stuffed and ready for bed,” he said, kissing me on the cheek softly.

“You sure you don’t want to come in for a bit?”
