Page 34 of Dating the Boss

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“Yes. I hear Paris calling our names.”

“Yes! I’ll go make the reservations.”

I heard him typing away in the living room on his laptop. I was excited but felt bad for him spending money to go to Paris.

“Okay, babe. I got reservations on the next flight out in four hours. Do you think you can pack that fast?”

“I’ll try my best,” I replied as I started throwing things into my suitcase. “What about you?”

“I’ll just get new stuff. No big deal.”

After I finished packing, we headed straight for the airport. We didn’t want to take the chance of missing the flight. No way! We got there, went through security, and boarded the plane. He bought us first-class business tickets. The seats were huge, and it was almost like a personal recliner. It put me right to sleep, waking up when the plane was descending.

“Are we there?”

“Yes, honey. We are about to land.”

Chapter Twenty-Three


I worked up enough courage to look out the window. It was beautiful. There were buildings everywhere. It was nighttime, and the city was lit up. I couldn’t wait to explore. I was finally in the place I’d wanted to visit since I was little. It was different being in a big plane during the landing, but it was over quick.

We departed the plane, got our bags, and headed to the hotel. I knew our hotel was going to be nice. When we pulled up, I was in awe. The hotel looked expensive, even from the outside. It had pillars in front with a huge bright-red door. A young man came outside to get our luggage.

“Good evening, I will take these for you while you check in.”

We left him outside while we went inside. I gasped as we walked in. It was breathtaking. There were restaurants and a bar to the right. Straight ahead was the front desk.

“Hello, welcome to La Paris. Do you have a reservation?” she asked.

“Yes, Alexander Edwards.”

“Good evening, Mr. Edwards. Happy to have you as a guest. Here are your keys. Let us know if you need anything.” She was batting her eyelashes at him, and I did not like it.

“Come on, baby, let’s get to our room,” I told him.

The young man had already dropped off our luggage in the room. I was ready to lay down and sleep so it could be tomorrow already. I was ready to explore. Alexander never ceased to amaze me. He truly wanted to give me the world. He wanted to travel the world too. I was so happy to have found someone that shared the same dream. I changed and got ready for bed. Our room was basically an apartment. We had a washer, dryer, dishwasher, an actual kitchen, bathroom, and a bedroom. The shower was huge, big enough for six people. Not that I planned on having anyone but the two of us in there.

“Baby, you ready for bed?”

“I’m coming.” I crawled into bed next to him. Nothing felt better than being cuddled up next to him. He kept me warm and safe. I kissed him, and one thing led to another. I couldn’t help myself. It was hard to sleep next to him and not jump his bones. About an hour later, we fell fast asleep.

“Baby, wake up. It’s time to get ready,” he said, shaking me.

“Okay, I’m up. What time is it?”

“It’s almost ten a.m.,” he replied.

Oh crap. I needed to get up and get ready. No need to waste the day away in bed when we were in Paris. I wanted to go sightseeing. There were so many things I wanted to check out. I rushed through my shower and threw on some denim shorts and a shirt.

We walked downstairs, and a man was waiting. “Alexander, nice to meet you, sir. My name is Pierre. Are you ready?”

We started out buying Paris museum passes. Supposedly it was the best way to get around. Pierre told us about the stuff around us while we walked around. “The Avenue des Champs-Elysees is the eighth arrondissement of Paris. It’s seventy meters wide.”

“Is there stuff to do around here?” I asked him.

“It is known for its theatres, cafes, and luxurious shops. So yes, plenty to do around here. It is one of the most famous streets in the world,” Pierre explained.

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