Page 33 of Mr. Perfect

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He fielded the keys with one hand. “Are you saying you weren’t enticed?”

She started to tell him she hadn’t felt even a twinge of enticement, but her tongue refused to utter what would have been the biggest lie of her life.

He smirked. “Thought so.”

There was only one way to recover the upper hand. Jaine put her hands on her hips, letting her nipples thrust against the thin wet layers of bra and T-shirt. Like a laser-guided missile, his gaze homed in on the front of her shirt. She saw him swallow.

“You don’t play fair,” he said thickly.

She smirked in retaliation for his smirk. “Remember that,” she said, and turned to leave the garage.

He slipped past her. “I go first,” he said. “I want to see you stepping into the sunlight.”

Her hands clamped back in position over her breasts.

“Spoilsport,” he muttered, and slid sideways through the narrow opening. He stepped back inside so abruptly she collided with him.

“You have two problems,” he said.

“I do?”

“Yeah. First, you left the water on. You’re going to have a hell of a water bill.”

She sighed. The driveway must be awash by now. Sam had obviously driven her insane, or she would never have been so careless.

“What’s the second problem?”

“Your yard is full of those reporters you mentioned.”

“Oh, shit,” she moaned.


Sam handled the situation. He left the garage, locking the padlock behind him so no particularly nosy reporter could peek inside and see her—though she rather thought he was protecting the car more than he was her. She listened at the door as he walked over to the Viper and said, “Excuse me, but I need to get to that faucet to turn off the water. Would you move, please.” He was extraordinarily polite. Jaine wondered why he was never that polite when he was talking to her. Of course, his tone was such that it was more of an order than a request, but still…

“What can I do for you guys?”

“We want to interview Jaine Bright about the List,” a strange voice said.

“I don’t know a Jaine Bright,” Sam lied.

“She lives here. According to public records, she bought this house a few weeks ago.”

“Wrong. I bought this house a few weeks ago. Damn, there must have been an error when the deed was registered. I’ll have to get this straightened out.”

“Jaine Bright doesn’t live here?”

“I told you, I don’t know a Jaine Bright. Now, if you guys don’t mind, I need to get back to washing my car.”


“Maybe I should introduce myself,” Sam said, his tone suddenly soft. “I’m Detective Donovan, and this is private property. You’re trespassing. Do we need to continue this discussion?”

Evidently they didn’t. Jaine stood motionless as engines started and cars departed. It was a miracle the reporters hadn’t heard her and Sam talking in the garage; they must have been talking among themselves, or they would have. Certainly she and Sam had been so engrossed in their own conversation they hadn’t heard the reporters arrive.

She waited for Sam to come unlock the garage. He didn’t. She heard water splashing and tuneless whistling.

The jerk was washing her car.

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