Page 107 of Sin with Me

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“I get lost in you. I forget where I am, and all I see is you. All I feel is you, and I can’t afford to let that happen in a room full of people I don’t know.”

Warmth spreads across my skin, and a quiet sigh escapes me. “Okay.” It’s just a simple word, but even my rebellious brain can’t come up with a single argument for what he just said.

A smile plays on his lips, releasing a little more of the tension. “The food is here.”

“How do you know?”

“I smell it,” he replies in a tone that suggests I’m crazy for not smelling it too.

“What’s next? You’re going to change into tights and stop a meteor? Activate a secret passage into a high-tech underground workshop? Tell me there’s something you need to show me? An insect bite? Some superhuman secret?” My eyes widen, and my jaw drops. I bring my hand to my mouth. “Oh my God. Jeeves is Alfred.”

He chuckles, low and deep in his throat. “Not quite.”

Jaxon chooses that moment to recruit Callisto’s help setting up the food catered by Suppato’s. He gives me a much too brief kiss on the cheek before he walks away.

“So, is this really it? Or are you going to wait a couple of weeks then decide you’re not smart enough yet?” Brynn quips in her usual sarcastic humor, pulling my attention from Callisto as he walks out of the room.

I roll my eyes but circle her in a hug. “This is it.”

“Whew. I was starting to feel like a slacker.” She laughs.

“Whatever, Miss Fly-Around-The-Country-On-Commissioned-Photo-Shoots.”

Ryleigh walks up and bear-hugs us all into a huddle. “Hey, beautiful bitches.”

I’m overwhelmed with joy at the sight of Reid’s sister. It’s been months since I’ve seen her, and her face is a breath of fresh air. When I look at her, I see so much of him. It makes me lose my breath for a second.

I welcome Mr. and Mrs. Landry then point them in the direction of my mom and John.

“You did it, Maks,” Ryleigh squeals, unable to contain her excitement.

I smile. “I did it.”

She fills me and Brynn in on life in the land of Texas then stops when her eyes spot something in the near distance. “Who’s the hottie with a body?”

I follow her gaze and find it locked on Callisto.

Brynn raises a brow and smirks. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

Ryleigh’s eyes widen in curiosity.

Brynn nods her head towards Callisto. “That… is Cal Suppato, son of—”

“No freaking way,” Ryleigh says a little too loudly. “That’s Cal Suppato.” The crowd of guests has doubled in size since Cal first got here. There must be at least 15-20 people standing in the courtyard now, and they all turn to find the source of all the commotion. “Maks, you didn’t tell me you knew him.”

My cheeks flush at her reaction to him, and the words get jumbled in my throat. “Well, his dad was kind of my boss so…” I pause. “How do you know him?”

She pfffts. “Are you kidding me? Everyone knows him.” She waves her hand in the air. “His name anyway.”

They do?

Brynn pipes in. “Remember how we thought the old man was a creepy pervert who sent Maks gifts to get in her panties?” Ryleigh nods. “Well, it turns out we were blaming the wrong Suppato.”

“NO,” Ryleigh yells, again. This time her parents shoot her a glare of warning. She covers her mouth in an attempt to silence her disbelief.

Brynn purses her lips. “Yep. He’s been trying to get in her panties for years. And now he’s got his hot fucking self all up in those lacy little things.”

“No!” Ryleigh repeats. “You and Cal Suppato? Like… a thing? Oh my God, Maks. Talk about jackpot. That guy puts my brother to shame.”
