Page 36 of Sin with Me

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I know you, babygirl. Right now, you’re still in your cute little pajamas, curled up in the corner of the couch, ignoring all my sister’s phone calls. Stop. Get up. Get dressed. And live your life.

You are so smart, and so beautiful, inside and out. You have so much to offer this fucked up world we live in. Save lives. Help people. Do what you were meant to do.

Don’t let both of us die out here.

Now, should the second reason be the case… well, I really need to grow some balls. And you are probably still in those cute little pajamas, only you’re curled up next to me on our bed, while I watch you in amazement. Stop reading and slide over here and let me fuck you.

Knowing us, we probably just took a brief intermission thanks to the fact you never have been able to resist me kissing you. But now that you’re reading again, I’ll get to the point:

I choose you.

Every morning when I wake up, it’s your face I want to see.

Every day when I’m at work, it’s you I want to call on my break.

Every evening when I come home, it’s you I want to curl up on the couch with.

And every night when the rest of the world is sleeping, it’s you I want to make love to until we’re both so tired we can barely keep our eyes open.

People make choices every day. They choose whether to be happy and enjoy the life they’ve been given. Or they choose to be assholes and make everyone miserable. They choose what to wear or what to eat.

I’ve made some pretty stupid choices in my life. But choosing to knock on your door that afternoon, six years ago, was the best fucking choice I’ve ever made. From the moment I laid eyes on you in that boring ass math class, I knew I had to make you mine. God, you took my breath away when you would just stare at me with those big, blue eyes. You were so damn innocent. And that scared the hell out of me. I was so afraid I could never be what you need. Why would someone so amazing waste her time with an idiot like me? But you did. You chose me. You saved me. You are perfect. A beautiful, flawless gift. And you are mine.

I still choose you, Makenna.

Every day, all day.

You make me happy. You make me whole.

Okay, so… That wasn’t so bad.

Now that we have finished this bottle of champagne I just bought, and I’ve turned into a transparent, sappy fuck, all that’s left to do is for you to look at me.

And if for some sick twist of fate, you’re reading this for reason number one…

Well then you can probably imagine the hell I’m raising right now because I wasn’t ready to leave you.

I love you, Maks. Always.



I read the letter over and over until my tears cloud my vision, then I close my eyes and picture his face, his smile, the way he always made it seem like the seduction was my idea to begin with.

The box. My hands tremble as I pull back the top.

Oh God.

I don’t think I can do this.

Somehow, I find the strength to flip the lid open the rest of the way and remove the flawless diamond ring that lies inside. I hold it in my fist and bring my hand to my chest, right above my heart, as if there’s a way to connect the two.

He was going to propose that night.

That was the celebration he was talking about. That’s why he got the champagne.

Finally, I open my hand and slide the ring onto my finger. “Yes,” I whisper into thin air. “It’s always been yes.”

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