Page 4 of Sin with Me

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For the next two weeks, Reid continues to make off-handed remarks about my outfits or the dance routine we performed during the last pep rally. He even sits with me at lunch a few times, stealing my fries and complaining about the fact I prefer my cheeseburgers without pickles.

I spend way too much energy trying not to be alone with Carter, while he spends way too much energy convincing me to sneak out at night, so we can finally seal the deal. We still haven’t discussed the status of my sexual experience and with any luck, we won’t have to any time soon.

Today the dance team is practicing a pretty provocative routine for next week’s half-time program. At the same time, the guys are running drills on the other side of the gym.

Reid knocks the ball out of Carter’s hands. A few bounces on the hardwood floor, and it comes rolling onto our side. Carter stands there, frustrated, with his hands on his hips, and the entire gym watches as Reid lets the ball continue to roll off to the side while he joins in on our routine. He stands between me and Rebecca Molina, swirling his hips around and thrusting repeatedly. He’s obviously making fun of us, but the other girls don’t seem to care. They’re all whistling, yelling, and falling all over themselves. It’s sad. He’s just a guy—a very arrogant and obnoxious guy.

Finally, Carter walks over and drags the village idiot back to their side of the gym. But not before giving me a quick kiss, causing the other guys to make obnoxious comments of their own. A few of the girls give me a thumbs-up and a wink, but Reid just rolls his eyes then fires off a shot from half court. Of course, he makes it, causing yet another commotion.

After practice, Reid approaches me in the parking lot where I'm waiting for Carter. He places one hand on the bed of the truck, right next to the spot where I’m leaning, blocking me in from one side. He’s so close I can guess the laundry detergent his mom uses. If it weren’t for my carnal need to inhale his scent, I wouldn’t be breathing at all.

Is it normal to react this way to another person?

I don’t react this way to Carter.

Reid leans forward, and I instinctively close my eyes and wait for him to kiss me.

What the hell am I doing?

Do I want him to kiss me?

He chuckles. “How do you think your boyfriend would feel about you wanting to kiss me?”


My eyes pop open, finding his face just inches from mine. “What are you talking about, Reid? I don’t want to kiss you.” The instant flush of my cheeks gives away my lie.

He shrugs then takes a step back, and I immediately feel the loss. I scold myself for feeling this way. Carter is gorgeous, smart, and sweet—everything a girl could want. Reid is crude and obnoxious. So, why do I find myself so drawn to him?

“It kinda just felt like you do.”

I fold my arms across my chest. “Did you have something to say or are you just out here to annoy me?”

His outrageous grin makes my heart skip a beat. “So, it’s a no on the kiss?”

I roll my eyes and push him out of the way just as Carter walks up.

“You need something, Landry?” he asks as he grabs my hand and kisses me on the cheek.

Reid watches Carter do his caveman thing, then he smiles his cocky little smile. “Just making a study date with Makenna. I could use the extra help with finals,” he lies, surprising me with how easy that was for him.

Carter cuts his eyes toward me. “And you’re okay with this?”

I shrug as if it’s no big deal that ten seconds ago I was wanting this guy to kiss me, and now I’m about to lie to my boyfriend for him. “I tutor people all the time.”

Not really a lie.

Carter opens my door, silently indicating my conversation with Reid is finished.

I climb inside and dismiss them both with a polite smile.

Reid taps the door twice before walking away. “See you later, Makenna,” he yells over his shoulder.

For the first time since we started dating, I hear my boyfriend curse. “Asshole,” he mumbles to himself.

I reach over and take his hand in mine. “Give him a break. Not everyone can be as amazing as you.”

Despite my efforts to sugar coat the situation, the rest of the ride home is quiet, followed by nothing more than a quick kiss on the cheek as I get out.

Something tells me my conservative and careful life is about to get very interesting.
