Page 55 of Sin with Me

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My weapon of choice? A sapphire blue slip dress that drapes loosely down my back, exposing a healthy amount of my sunkissed skin.

Why? Because there’s no better pleasure than seeing a man’s face the moment he realizes exactly what he can’t have.

I should know. I saw that realization on Carter’s face the first time I walked into the cafeteria with Reid’s hand on my ass.

My outfit definitely gets Jaxon’s attention, because he visibly gawks when I walk through the door. “Holy shit.”

“You stood me up.” I flash him a grin that lets him know I’m kidding.

“You ran out of here like the kidnapper van was about to turn into a pumpkin.”

Recollection of skilled fingers and vulgar words start to flutter to the surface, but I shove them back down where they belong. “I’m sorry. Something came up. Cal didn’t tell you?”

He smiles and nods. “Yeah, he told me you apologized for having to leave…” He pauses like he’s trying to figure something out. “…but that you really hoped to see me later.”

Well there’s a surprise. Cal playing matchmaker. The realization makes me feel even more manipulated. Used and tossed aside. Like a dishrag.

A short, athletic looking girl with long black hair takes a seat at the end of the bar, and I think I’m going to throw up. Should I warn her? Tell her to run as far as her perfectly toned legs will take her?

She says something to Jaxon, and he picks up the cordless phone then presses a button.

A few seconds later, he sets the phone back on the counter. “Cal wants to see you in Carlos’s office.”

The girl smiles and stands, “Thank you,” she says, and I cringe.

“Not you,” Jaxon replies, his eyes narrowed and curious-looking when they meet mine. “You.” He points at me.

Miss Athletic America slides back onto the stool, huffs, and orders a beer.

Me? What the hell? How does he even know I’m here?

Maybe he’s thought of new and improved ways to demean me. Or maybe he just wants his hoodie back. Either way, he’s screwed. I don’t have his hoodie, and I’m not here to boost his ego. I’m here to deflate it.

I bring my attention back to Jaxon. “He can wait.”

The brunette nearly chokes on her drink then looks at me as if I’ve just tripped an old lady.

I trace imaginary lines on the top of the bar. “I was thinking, since you missed my birthday and all.” I glance up at Jaxon and smile. “Maybe you’d like to have dinner next week. I’ll cook.” I lean over the bar to make sure he’s paying attention.

“Dinner?” he repeats, and I nod once. “I think I can do that. I’ll even bring dessert,” he adds with a wink.

I don’t need Jaxon to protect me from Cal. I can protect myself.

I grab hold of his shirt and pull him forward then press my lips against his and hold them there for a moment before letting him go. Then I move away from the bar and start to leave. But not before first finding the security camera I just remembered Cal must be watching right now and shooting him a one finger salute.

“You aren’t going to see what he wants?” Jaxon calls after me.

“I don’t care what he wants.”

I no sooner have both feet out the door when a strong arm wraps around my waist and yanks me around the side of the building. What the—?

He slams me against the wall and holds my hands over my head. His hard body presses against mine, devouring the space between us. Electricity surges through my veins the moment I feel his rapid growing erection digging into my hip. I guess he likes the dress.

“What the fuck was that about?” he hisses, and I tense. It’s the first time I’ve heard anything other than absolute control in his voice.

You said I was easy, then dismissed me like one of your groupies. I may need to move on, but I owe it to Reid to do better than that when I do.

“Let me go, Cal.” I have to force myself to turn my head and look away from his dark gaze.
