Page 6 of Sin with Me

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He lifts one corner of his mouth. “He had to know he couldn’t keep you hidden forever.” He traces the pad of his thumb over his bottom lip.

My gaze drops to his mouth for a moment.

He moves his hand and smiles. “Too late now. I found you.”

I feel my cheeks heat at his words—or maybe it was the lip thing, or the way he’s looking at me right now. “No one was hiding me, and I really wish you’d stop talking about Carter like he’s a bad guy.”

“Maybe you’re right. Maybe he’s fine. Doubtful. But maybe.” He shrugs and I wonder what he means, why he doesn’t like Carter, what he knows that I don’t. “You’re right about one thing for sure, though,” he adds.

I swallow hard, not sure what’s coming next. “What’s that?”

“I do want you to kiss me.”

My lips part as my breath hitches. Then just as swiftly, I tuck the plump traitors inward to remind them we aren’t supposed to want this. I can’t take my eyes from Reid’s, and I feel at any moment my mouth is going to overpower my brain and give in to the temptation sitting in front of me. His mouth twitches and he leans forward. He’s so close. We’re so close. The air between us feels charged, like static electricity. I almost have to remind myself to breathe. Then my brain finally starts to work again.

“My mom will be home soon. You should go.”

He closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath. “Yeah. I probably should.” The wooden chair scrapes across the ceramic tile when he scoots back then stands up. He stands at the door with one hand on the knob.

I want to tell him to stay, that I’m not ready for him to go. But I don’t. Because he needs to leave. I have a boyfriend, and every second I spend with Reid Landry is another second I start to forget that.

I stand up and wave—just a single flash of one hand, like Forest Gump. God, I’m an idiot. “See you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow,” he says, then he turns the knob and walks out the door.

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