Page 99 of Sin with Me

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“What do you want from me?” I shout. “I’m not just some girl you took home. I don’t just let random guys fuck me, as you so delicately pointed out. I have only been with one other man, and he is dead. It was a lot to process, and I needed a minute.”

I needed to convince myself it was okay to need you the way I do.

I have fearlessly closed the distance between us, and he has resolved to stand his ground. I stand absolutely still as he cradles my face in one hand, his fingertips buried in my hair.

“You want to know what I want?” He lowers his head so that his mouth is once again next to my ear. Then he whispers as if he’s worried someone else might hear. “The next time you weep, I want it to be for me. But not because you’re sad for me, Makenna. No. I want you lying in bed, legs spread, soaking wet, with a burning so fierce that you know, no matter how hard you try, it can only be satisfied by me. I want you to weep for me, baby. That’s what I fucking want.”

I turn my head, forcing him to look at me.

“Then congratulations, asshole. You’ve just described my Friday night.”

He’s about to respond when the front door flies open, and Brynn walks in with a bottle of wine in each hand. “Party’s here, hooker. Time to—” She stops mid-sentence when she spots us. “Oh. Am I interrupting? Because I can go back out and do this again later.” She says her words slowly as she takes in the atmosphere.

I’m sure on the outside it looks like an intimate moment. My chest is heaving. My face is flushed. Callisto is holding my face in his hand while he leans in against my ear.

A gust of cool air sweeps my cheek as he breathes out and takes a step back.

“No. Not at all, Brynn. Stay.” I clear my throat after my voice cracks.

His eyes meet mine for a final glance, then he turns to meet Brynn for the first time. “I was just leaving,” he says, and the smooth, calibrated tone is back in his voice.

“Holy shit,” Brynn blurts out. “Sorry. I mean… no, don’t leave. You must be Cal.”

A smirk plays on his plump lips.

Yes, asshole, I’ve mentioned you once or twice.

“You must be Brynn,” he says.

Their interaction gives me time to gather my thoughts and pull myself together. Great timing, Brynn. I’m not ready for him to go. I’m not okay with how this is ending.

“I’d shake your hand, but…” she says, holding out both hands currently occupied with wine bottles.

Callisto flashes his million-dollar smile then winks. “Good choice. I’m sure you’ll both enjoy it.” He nods his head toward her selection, then walks to the door. “It was nice meeting you, Brynn.” He peers over the top of his shoulder at me. “Makenna.”

“You too,” she says, her eyes moving over his frame as he walks by. She drops her jaw and lifts her eyebrows when she looks at me as if to tell me she’s impressed with what she sees.

I nudge her shoulder with mine and follow him outside.

He stops at his car door and waits for me to approach him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you had plans,” he says. The anger has left his tone, and the relief of that makes me want to cry.

We had a fight and now it’s over. He isn’t leaving angry. He isn’t going to disappear this time.

My heart starts to beat again as I move dangerously close to him. “I can cancel them.”

“I’m two hours late for a meeting.”

Two hours? Is that how long he was waiting in my driveway? The crisp bite of his rejection matches the cold evening breeze that cuts through my shivering body.

“Okay,” I concede. There’s obviously nothing I can do to make him stay, so I might as well stop embarrassing myself.

I swallow hard, then turn to walk away. He reaches out and grabs my wrist, pulling me back against him. In an instant, his mouth is on mine, letting me know all hope isn’t lost. I moan into his mouth, my body leaning into his, surrendering to his touch.

“Goddammit,” he groans as he pulls his mouth from mine. “You should go inside.”

I could smack him. I should smack him.

He leans his forehead against mine. “You have company, and I have a meeting. So, despite how badly I want to be inside you right now, it will have to wait.” His breath is ragged, and his pulse is racing, complete hypocrisy to what he is saying.
