Page 105 of Greed

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“Take off your shirt, and put this dry one on.”

I don’t bother to ask if there are people watching, because it almost doesn’t matter. Despite my tears, I’m numb inside.

“The cameras are off,” he murmurs.

He remembered my fear of being watched. I almost start to cry again.

“You’ve had a hellish twenty-four hours, and I’m sure there are people who feel you’ve been punished enough. I’m not one of those people.”

I nod, the hope evaporating.

“Aside from being reckless, your actions were traitorous. You attempted to dishonor me, and your father, by subverting our blood oath. I can’t have my enemies, your father’s, or anyone else, believe that kind of behavior will be tolerated, even from you.”

The last sliver of hope sinks into a cavernous abyss. I hear the thud as it hits bottom.

Not that I’m surprised by his decision. Deep down, I knew he would need to make an example of me. I grew up in this world. I was too young to be privy to all the dreadful details, but I’ve always known that traitors are punished by death.

“I have two favors to ask before you punish me.”

“You’re in no position to ask for favors, and I’m in no mood to grant them. But let’s hear it.”

“When my mother died, Isabel was there for me, every hour of every day,” I begin, a slight wobble in my voice. “In the aftermath, when I didn’t think I would survive, Valentina was born. She brought sunshine and happiness back to my life—to all of our lives. Isabel let me help care for her, and every day I got stronger. Even if you can’t understand it, they’re my family.”

I lift my chin and meet his eyes. “I was disloyal and dishonest, and I accept your punishment, but please don’t let them suffer for my behavior. If I’m gone, they have no way to pay the rent or to eat. Please send them some money. They don’t require much, just enough to live decently. You don’t have to do it for me, but do it for my mother. She was your mother’s best friend, and took her in when it wasn’t safe for her to be around your father.”

His brow furrows, not like he’s worried, but as though he’s parsing through my words, trying to make connections. I can’t afford to make those connections for him—not even as my time runs out.

“You said there were two favors.” His gaze narrows. “What’s the second?”

“Instead of giving me to your guards to do as they wish, put a bullet in my head. Preferably when I’m unaware. You don’t need to torture me to make your point. Simply murdering Daniela D’Sousa will send a resounding message through the valley.”

He eyes me carefully. “If I’m going to grant you just one favor, which should it be?”

“Send money to Isabel and Valentina.” I don’t hesitate, because really, every sacrifice I’ve made in the last six years has been for them.

A single tear runs down my cheek. He tips his chair forward and catches the drop on his thumb.

“You will not die by my hand, or at my order. I’m not done with you,” he says quietly. “You’re mine, Daniela. I’ll never be done with you.”

His voice is soft but resolute. For the first time, I notice the black circles under his eyes.He’s been up all night too.

“Giving you to my guards…I made that threat in anger—and I was wrong,” he concedes without apology. “But even if I toss you to the guards, they won’t lay a finger on you. The men I allow to be anywhere near you would never rape a woman. I’d stake my life on it.”

I take a sip of tea. My head is spinning and my emotions are a snarled morass. I can’t even begin to process everything he just said. But I’m not going to die. I’m not going to be raped by the guards. Although I’ll never go back to the US—maybe one day, though, they’ll be able to come here.

“You may continue to have money sent to Isabel and her daughter for rent and food and other necessities. That’s up to you. I already agreed to that, and I don’t go back on my word.” He pauses for a long moment. “On our first wedding anniversary, if you don’t make my life hell, I’ll fully fund a college trust for Valentina. I know you have an account set up for her, but at five dollars a paycheck, it will never be enough.”

I don’t think about the price I’ll have to pay for his generosity—not right now. If Valentina goes to college, she’ll have life-changing opportunities. It’s what I’ve always hoped for her. “Thank you,” I reply, my heart filled with true gratitude.

“We are getting married,” he continues, more forcefully than he’s been. “We will live as husband and wife, with everything that entails, and you will never, never take the risk you took today, or betray me in any other way. Is that clear?”

I nod. “Yes.”

“But there will be punishment. Here, today, at my hand.”

“I understand.” I don’t know what it is, but I don’t care. I just want it over with, and the humiliation behind me. My life won’t be what I’d hoped, but Isabel and Valentina will be taken care of, and things could be worse for me. I’m sure many women would love to be married to Antonio.

Just not me. Not under these circumstances.

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