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“I will get you pregnant. I promise.” I gently squeezed her hand.

We both realized how that sounded and busted into laughter. After leaving the office, I headed home, changed out of my work clothes, and went to Conner & Charlotte’s for dinner.

“You’re looking a bit cloudy, my Georgia sunshine.” Conner hooked his arm around me and kissed my cheek.

“Shut up.” I laughed as I smacked his chest. “I miss your brother.”

“No worries. His douchebag ass will return tomorrow.” He grinned.

“He told you about Dr. Grayson and Gabriel Kind, right?” I asked as we sat down to eat.

“Yeah. That’s so strange,” Conner said.

“Why is that strange?” Charlotte asked. “Do you boys think you’re the only people in the entire world with the last name Kind?”

“Actually, Charlotte, we do. We’re special, and the Kind name belongs only to us.”

“I’m sorry to break your delusional bubble, babe, but it’s a common last name.”

“Then why haven’t I ever met anyone else with that last name, Charlotte?” His brow arched.

“Because you haven’t. Eat your dinner.”

“Charlotte’s right. It is a common last name. But wouldn’t it be wild if they were related?” I asked.

“No.” Conner pointed his fork at me. “That would mean there are more family shenanigans, and this family is done with all of that. Besides, their father would have to be Liam or Henry, and we know that’s not true.”

“Do you believe now that you’re not as special as you think you are?” Charlotte smiled.

“Really, Charlotte?” He cocked his head. “I’ll show you just how special I am later.”

I laughed, and after we finished dinner, I went home and waited for Jackson to Facetime me.

The following morning, I met Emilia at the office before anyone else arrived so I could draw her blood. The sooner we got the results back, the sooner we could move forward.

“Thanks, Georgia,” she said as we stepped into the kitchen area.

“What are you two doing here so early?” Nathan asked as he walked in. “Did you get blood drawn?” He saw the Band-Aid on her arm. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I’m totally fine. I just asked Georgia if she could draw my blood so I could check my cholesterol. It’s always good to keep that in check living with Sebastian and all the food he makes me eat.” She smiled.

“Good idea. I should get mine checked.” He walked over to the coffee machine. “What time is Jackson coming back?” he asked me.

“A couple of hours. I woke up to a text message from him saying that the plane had just taken off. Are you still okay about tomorrow?” I asked.

“Do I have a choice? Ella is so excited that she can’t sleep. But I can’t help but worry.” He brought the cup to his lips as he leaned against the island.

“Well.” I smiled. “You’re her dad, and dads are supposed to worry, but something tells me that little Miss Ella will be just fine.”

“I hope so.” He sighed.

I placed my hand on his arm. “She’s a Kind, and your blood runs through her veins. Remember that.”

I had just finished up with a patient and was standing at the reception desk when my practice door opened, and Jackson walked in.

“There’s my beautiful future wife.” He grinned.

“Oh, my God. I missed you.” I walked over and wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tightly.
