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“I’m good. That’s not my thing. I’d be down on the floor in a matter of seconds.”

“I’m ready, Uncle Jackson!” Ella flew down the stairs. “Let’s go.” She grabbed my hand.

When we arrived at the hospital, Christian took Ella to the scrub room while I went and spoke to my patient as he was getting prepped for surgery. After I spoke with him and checked his labs, I headed to the scrub room.

“Uncle Jackson, Uncle Christian is teaching me how to scrub in.”

“I can see that.” I smiled as I turned on the water and began scrubbing.

“Things are quiet right now, so Charleigh and I will be watching,” Christian said.

“Sounds good, bro.”

“Are you ready, Dr. Kind?” I asked Ella.

“I’m ready, Dr. Kind,” she spoke in a serious tone.

After getting gowned and gloved up, I introduced Ella to my surgical staff.

“Lucy, can you get that step stool over there for Ella?”

“Of course, Dr. Kind.”

“I’m going to begin, Ella. If you start to feel sick or lightheaded at any time, let us know. Okay?”

“I’ll be fine, Dr. Kind.” She smiled through her small mask.

“Okay. The scans are up. Let’s do this, people.”

I looked up at the operating suite. I saw the panic across Nathan’s face, and I was happy Christian was there to keep him calm.

“Are you okay?” I asked Ella as I cut open the patient’s head.

“I’m fine. Stop worrying about me.” She wouldn’t take her eyes off what I was doing. “That is so cool!”

“Which lobe is the tumor located in?” I asked her.

“The parietal lobe.”

“Very good.” I smiled.

Once the patient’s brain was exposed, I looked at Ella to make sure she was doing okay. I smiled at the expression on her face because it was the same one I’d had when I saw the human brain for the first time.

“Still good?” I asked.

“Shush, Uncle Jackson.” She leaned closer as she took it all in.

I finally reached the tumor, removed it, and held it up.

“It’s so beautiful,” Ella said.

“Beautiful but deadly, sweetheart.”

After closing the patient up, I took Ella back into the scrub room, where we removed our gloves and gown.

“Is your brain satisfied now?” I smirked at her.

“For the time being.”
