Page 39 of I Want You

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I smoothed my sweaty palms down the sides of my dress, thankfully it was black, as the car pulled up outside the art gallery. The very same one we’d been at two weeks ago when we had taken the step into becoming a couple.

No one knew yet.

Gen had thought it would be a good idea to come here tonight to show off, but not actually say we were together. She had said it would be the best way to introduce the social elite to the idea of it.

“Are you sure?” I asked her for probably the fifth time since we got in the car.

“Relax,” Gen said, applying her lipstick again. “These people don’t outwardly say anything to anyone. We’ve got this.”

“Or we could just take out an ad in the local paper and run off to a deserted island together.”

“As tempting as the second part of that is, Mattie, I have to be at this exhibition. Now come.”

I followed her out of the car and into the art gallery. There were important people inside, I could tell by the paparazzi waiting outside for the perfect picture.

Once inside, we were led into the main area and handed a glass of wine. I sipped at mine, hoping like hell it wasn’t bitter. I’d never been a great wine drinker so it was always a toss up of whether or not I would like it but this was liquid gold.

Gen giggled, noticing my realization about the wine. “This is a social event. The wine won’t be cheap, so have your fun at the bar.”

I rolled my eyes, knowing I would be keeping myself from getting drunk here. I didn’t want to embarass Gen or myself tonight.

“Genevieve,” I heard someone announce from behind us. Turning, I saw a woman in a tight red latex dress come over and give Gen a kiss on each cheek. “You look fabulous.”

“And you, Missy,” she smiled at her. I could tell Gen didn’t like this woman but she was kind enough to greet her as if she did. “Have you met Mattie?”

“Mattie?” Missy said with such disgust on her face I was surprised. “Surely you’re not named after an adolescent boy.”

I laughed.

Genevieve stepped in, holding it in. “It’s a personal choice as to what name she likes to go by, isn’t that right, Melissa?”

Missy didn’t seem happy but she put on a smug smile before she tore off into the crowd that had been gathering.

“Is that what I can expect?”

“Missy is from old money and she’s incredibly forward,” Gen told me. “Funny, I used to like that about her.”

“You can introduce me as Matilda if you want.”

“You prefer Mattie, so that’s what they will call you. Don’t cower to them, babe.”

I nodded, trying to keep my composure. As we joined the crowd, I saw a few familiar celebrity faces here, doing their best to be photographed through the windows from the paps outside.

“They come for the photos,” Gen told me. “Once the paps leave, so will they.”

“I thought celebrities hated being shot?”

“Some do, and there are those who want to be seen in the right circles. Every actress or actor here is probably in between shoots, or trying to break into Hollywood.”

It just seemed fake, every bit of this social elite circle everyone talked about.

“Mattie?” I heard my name. I turned around to see a surprised Eva standing in front of me. She was wearing an incredible blue dress with diamonds sewn into the bodice. “I didn’t think this was your scene.”

I hadn't spoken to any of the girls since I left. The last thing I did before I spoke to Mara was have Eva tell me about the little incident in the bathroom being common knowledge.

I felt Gen move up beside me, the look on Eva’s face told me everything I needed to know. She was not only surprised but upset. She looked from Gen back to me, and an unsettling look came across her face.

“I told you what her reputation could do to you,” she said, a little quieter. I knew Gen could hear though.
