Page 76 of The Jerk

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Here it was, Sabastian thought even though his face remained inscrutable. He knew it had not been completely right to go along with Bobby’s wishes when she had asked him to pretend to be her fiancé, and now it was his turn to pay.

“Why did it have to be canceled?”

Sabastian wondered with the rest of the reporters what excuse Leandro Christopoulos would give.

Leandro had considered lying and saying Sabastian was impotent but then, looking at Tyler, he had another idea.

He said solemnly, “Because Bobby here found out that Mr. Sabastian Gabris was gay.”

Bobby gasped.

Sabastian choked.

Before the crowd could react, a loud crash happened on one side of the room, and everyone turned towards that direction. A young woman was gazing at Sabastian Gabris in open-mouthed shock. She was covered head to toe in a shapeless dress, and her eyeglasses were so large they practically swallowed her face.

Sabastian shot to his feet. “Zee-Zee?”

“Y-you’re gay?” The girl shook her head, a dazed look on her face. “Is t-that why you broke our engagement?”

A wave of shock hit the crowd at her words, and everyone began snapping photos of the girl furiously even as they made a note to be more thorough in researching Sabastian Gabris’ background. How in the world had they not heard about this engagement?

And so there it was, Sabastian thought. The chance that he had once thought would elude him forever. Looking at Zee-Zee, he heard himself saying, “Yes. It’s because I’m gay.”

Zee-Zee ran to him and threw her arms around Sabastian, bursting into tears. “Oh, Sab.”


“Ican’t believe youtold the press he was gay,” Bobby said, her tone incredulous as she straddled the seat of Leandro’s bike. Hours had passed since their press conference, and she was exhausted. It was not easy to play a ditz, and she hoped to God she wouldn’t need to play the role again in the future.

“I’ll take it back tomorrow,” Leandro murmured absently as he took his spare helmet out and carefully placed it over Bobby’s head.

Bobby’s lips curved in a happy contented smile as she watched Leandro secure the straps of her helmet like it was the most important thing he had to do. “You love me, right?”

Leandro smirked. “Now who’s the one being too full of herself?”

She smiled more widely at him, insisting, “Right?”

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