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“Because everyone’s talking about you and Dad,” Cami says, her voice matter-of-fact.

My heart sinks, my armpits suddenly sweaty. “What do you mean?”

“That Dad fell out of love with you and is marrying his secretary.” Cami pops open a bag of Goldfish crackers and stares deep into the packet.

“What? Marrying her?” I screech, depressing the accelerator even harder as I take the turn into our gated neighborhood.

“Yeah. Rachel A. said they’ll be married by Christmas at this rate.” Cami licks artificial cheese off her fingers, not realizing she’s just dropped a nuclear tidbit of info.

“First, how does Rachel A. know this? And second, what does ‘at this rate’ mean?”

And third, why am I digging into third-grade gossip?But that’s a question for later, when I’m lying in bed alone in the dark. Right now, I just need to know.

“Rachel A.’s mom and Holly’s mom go to that new Pilates center together. Dad’s secretary was in one of the classes.”

Shit.Seems reliable.

“Huh. What about the ‘at this rate’ comment? What’s that all about?” I stare back at her.

“I don’t really know what ‘at this rate’ means. That’s just what Rachel said at lunch.”

I peel through the gates of our neighborhood, anger simmering in my gut and my skin itchy.

“Colty, what about you?”

“Huh?” he asks, not moving his eyes from the screen.

“What have you heard? Is anyone bothering you about me and Dad?” I don’t like the panic in my voice.

“Scooter said the secretary was a fox, but I didn’t really get that. I’ve seen her before and she doesn’t even have a tail.”

I snicker, then slam on my brakes and stare back at him. “You’ve met her? When?”

“Last weekend, when we went to the baseball game with Dad. She was in the box with us.”

What in the actual hell?This was definitely not part of our agreement. When Harry moved out—initially to be closer to downtown Atlanta, then as part of the divorce proceedings—we had an agreement. No contact with a potential love interest, at least not until the ink is dry.

Dirty rotten bastard.

But what did I expect? He’s not exactly known for keeping his word these days.

“You two run in and get started on your homework. I have to make a call; I’ll be there in a sec.”

Cami and Colton burst from the car, lugging their backpacks and lunchboxes behind them. I speed-dial Nate before they even get through the front door, nearly hyperventilating.

“Hey, Elise, what’s up?” Nate’s voice is calm and smooth as caramel.

“Nate. I heard from the kids that Harry’s marrying his secretary before Christmas!” I wail into my phone. Rage and sorrow mix inside my chest, an unpleasant coupling.

“How’d the kids know that? Did Harry mention it to them?”

“I don’t know, but Harry’s already breaking our deal. We agreed not to introduce the kids to anyone new, at least until we’re officially divorced, and that assistant he’s banging was at the baseball game with him last weekend. In the corporate box, no less!”

“Take a deep breath and calm down, Elise. Yes, he’s not keeping his end of the bargain, and believe me, I’ll hammer him on that—”

“Good,” I say, swiping at a hot tear streaking down my cheek.

“But honestly, try not to get caught up in all his bullshit. You’re lucky to be getting out. We’re almost done with the legal stuff and then you can move on.”
