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“Great, thank you. I appreciate it.”

We stare at each other for longer than strictly necessary before I finally break the spell between us.

“I’ll call you.”

“Sounds good.”



Is it me or is there something deliciously sexy in the air here at the beach? I don’t think I imagined the chemistry between me and Smith this morning. And I haven’t felt this attractive since Harry and I started dating, way back when.

Before I turned into a suburban housewife and definitely before Harry decided to replace me with a younger model.

Sure, Smith’s too young for me. Zero percent chance he’d want to hop aboard my baggage train—divorced with two kids—but a girl can fantasize, right?

Those strong arms on either side of me, that chiseled body levered over mine as he drills into me…

“Elise? Are you there?” My best friend Kat’s voice echoes down the line, pulling me back to reality.

“Hmm? Oh, yes. Anyway, the house is kind of a disaster, but not a tear-down. I’m thinking of spending the summer here. Can you come down?” I stare out at the dark blue waves of the Atlantic, already picturing reading on the beach all summer long.

“Probably, for a week or two. Greg and I are taking the kids to Disney, but that’s all we’ve planned so far. What are you doing about school next year?”

I pick at a hangnail, a habit I can’t seem to break. “Keeping them at Covington for the moment, but I’m staying nimble.”

“What the fuck does that mean?” Kat laughs.

“It means I don’t know what the hell’s happening at the moment. Cami and Colton are young—maybe Atlanta isn’t the best place for us.”

“You’re moving?” Kat’s voice rises an octave.

“I didn’t say that…” I hedge. Even though the thought has crossed my mind once or twice since inheriting my aunt’s house.

“Ohmygawd, Elise! I’ll die without you here!”

“You won’t. And don’t mention anything about this conversation, even to Greg. I have no firm plans right now, and I don’t want to stir anything up with Harry.”

Kat inhales, and I picture her doing deep yoga breathing at her kitchen table. “Okay, promise. Seaglass Beach must be amazing for you to be thinking about moving.”

“It’s different, that’s for sure. I’ve always wanted to live by the beach, but we had to stay near the city for Harry. Now I don’t have to worry about him.”

“What about custody though?” Kat asks.

“A sticking point, but you know Harry only cares about the money. I’m sure we can work out some visitation schedule that fits his needs.” I sigh, wishing I didn’t have to worry about Harry at all.

“Not to bring up a sore subject, but have you heard anything about him?”

A cold dread slithers through my gut. “What do you mean?”

“It’s probably nothing—”

“But—” I prod, tiny hairs rising on the back of my neck.

“Jacqueline O’Leary told me she saw Harry out shopping.”

“So? Harry loves shopping. Especially for himself.” I scrunch my nose up, trying to remember the last time Harry bought something for me and coming up blank.
