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“Hope my grumpy big brother didn’t give you too hard of a time,” Poppy says, twirling a lock of her honey-colored hair in her fingers.

“He was fine. Listen, do you know if school’s in session right now?” I ask.

“Pretty sure it is. Why?”

“I’m thinking of moving down and want to take a tour of the elementary school.”

“Great. Hang on, I’ll check for you.” Poppy taps at the computer and three minutes later, I have the school schedule, a map, and written directions in hand.

“Thanks so much, Poppy, this is wonderful,” I say, beaming at her with gratitude.

“No problem. The principal’s really nice over there, I’m sure you’ll love it.”

“Perfect. Thanks again.” I shoot her a wave and head to the parking lot, more convinced than ever I’m making the right decision.

* * *

“What? They offered you a job?” Kat shrieks down the line.

“Mm-hmm,” I murmur, staring out at the ocean from my patio.

“So, what are you going to do? You’re really going to move down there?”

I shrug, even though she can’t see me through the phone. “Not sure. But it could be good for me and the kids. A nice change of pace, a fresh start. I loved teaching, and I’ll be able to be with the kids, help them transition to the new school.”

Kat sighs. “I want to disagree with you, Elise, because selfishly, you know I’m going to miss you. But this could be perfect for you. And I hate it.” Kat’s voice breaks and tears well in my eyes. I pinch the bridge of my nose, willing myself not to cry.

“I know. But I don’t want to be in Atlanta anymore. Not with Harry there. Speaking of—did you know he’s bringing the kids down on Thursday?”

“Shut the fuck up,” Kat says, her voice incredulous. “You’ve gotta be kidding me. He can’t even handle them for a week?”

“Nope. Says he has a business trip.”

“Uh-huh. That’s what we’re calling it these days?”

“My thoughts exactly. It’s fine, though. The kids can check out Seaglass, meet some people.”

“Hold up. Meet people? Who are you talking about, Elise? And don’t you dare hold out on me. I’m fragile right now.”

“Um…” I hedge, bouncing my leg up and down.

“Ohmygosh, you met someone, didn’t you? I knew it!” Kat cries, her voice so loud it vibrates my cell against my ear.


“Spill right the fuck now, Elise! Is he hot? Does he have kids?”

“Yes, he’s very hot. Gorgeous. And no kids.”Because he’s practically a kid himself.

“And? I’m sensing a but here…”

“He’s young.”

“How young we talking here?”

“Thirty,” I say, my voice barely above a whisper.

“That’s not that young, Elise. Only ten years. No big deal.”
