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Finally, we wind down, our backs up against either side of the narrow entryway.

Our legs tangled together.

We seem to notice our closeness at the same time.

“That was fun,” I say, pulling my knees up and trying to ignore the heat spreading inside of me again. It’s the same electricity that spiked through me when we were holding hands back in the east wing. But now it’s lower.


Tristan doesn’t respond at first. His knees are raised already, his forearms resting on top, and he reaches across the space between us to hook two of his fingers into mine.

“You okay?” he asks. His voice is rough.

I nod.

When I came up with the plan to help him, I told myself I wasn’t going back on my promise not to fall for every guy I get close to. I already fell for Tristan when I was a kid, and I survived. This is different.

This might be the last time I see him. If something happens it won’t be for keeps anyway, and I know that going in.

“Do you have plans tonight, Tristan?”

“What do you have in mind?”

His non-answer might have scared me from someone else. I might be analyzing if they were already getting put off by my forwardness. But he leans forward, sliding his hand farther into mine.

The move, somehow, is almost… erotic.

My mouth is suddenly dry. “You’re only here for a week, right?”

“Five more days.”

My heart feels like it gains a layer of lead at that thought, but I shove it aside hard. My heart has nothing to do with tonight. Not if I can help it.

“I thought maybe we could go for a drive. Since you probably won’t be back here… maybe you can take me to some of your favorite places. Or even just one.”

Tristan smiles, leaning forward even more now, so now he’s up on his knees in front of me. He brushes a strand of hair from my face. Years ago, I’d dreamed of a moment like this. More recently, I’d cried knowing it would never happen.

Now here I was, my whole body pulling itself toward Tristan Galloway.

I rise on my knees too. “I want to see your favorite parts of our town. Is it a stupid idea?”

He looks at me like I’m a marvel. “It’s the best idea I’ve ever heard.”

I laugh, and to my surprise, my eyes are wet. I blink the tears away, but not before Tristan leans forward, catching one that escapes.

“Don’t cry, Cora,” he whispers.

My heart catches. “Do you remember the last time you told me that?” I ask, tears flowing freely now.

He nods, holding my face in both hands. “It was right before I did this.”

Tristan takes my mouth against his now, kissing me so tenderly my chest aches. My whole body tingles, my skin on fire. But most of all, I feel the inside. The heat of wanting Tristan Galloway.

Of needing him completely.

Who was I kidding? My heart has everything to do with this.

But when Tristan pulls his hand away he swears. “Shit.” He rubs at my cheeks but lowers his head and chuckles. “We’re filthy.”
